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如何在没有事务自动提交的情况下将承诺与 IndexedDB 一起使用?

[英]How to use promises with IndexedDB without transactions auto-committing?

有没有办法在没有事务自动提交的情况下使用带有承诺和异步/等待的 IndexedDB? 我知道您不能在事务中间执行诸如获取网络数据之类的操作,但是我在网上找到的关于该主题的所有内容都表明,如果您只是将它包装在 Promise 中,IndexedDB 仍然可以工作。

但是,在我的测试(Firefox 73)中,我发现简单地将请求的onsuccess方法包装在 Promise 中就足以使事务在 Promise 执行之前自动提交,而在使用原始 IndexedDB API 时,相同的代码也能工作。 我能做什么?


const {log, error, trace, assert} = console;

const VERSION = 1;
const OBJ_STORE_NAME = 'test';
const DATA_KEY = 'data';
const META_KEY = 'last-updated';

function open_db(name, version) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        const req = indexedDB.open(name, version);
        req.onerror = reject;
        req.onupgradeneeded = e => {
            const db = e.target.result;
            for (const name of db.objectStoreNames) {db.deleteObjectStore(name);}
        req.onsuccess = e => resolve(e.target.result);
function idbreq(objs, method, ...args) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        const req = objs[method](...args);
        req.onsuccess = e => resolve(req.result);
        req.onerror = e => reject(req.error);
async function update_db(db) {
    const new_time = (new Date).toISOString();
    const new_data = 42; // simplified for sake of example

    const [old_data, last_time] = await (() => {
        const t = db.transaction([OBJ_STORE_NAME], 'readonly');
        t.onabort = e => error('trans1 abort', e);
        t.onerror = e => error('trans1 error', e);
        t.oncomplete = e => log('trans1 complete', e);
        const obj_store = t.objectStore(OBJ_STORE_NAME);
        return Promise.all([
            idbreq(obj_store, 'get', DATA_KEY),
            idbreq(obj_store, 'get', META_KEY),
    log('fetched data from db');
    // do stuff with data before writing it back

    (async () => {
        log('beginning write callback');
        const t = db.transaction([OBJ_STORE_NAME], 'readwrite');
        t.onabort = e => error('trans2 abort', e);
        t.onerror = e => error('trans2 error', e);
        t.oncomplete = e => log('trans2 complete', e);
        const obj_store = t.objectStore(OBJ_STORE_NAME);
        // This line works when using onsuccess directly, but simply wrapping it in a Promise causes the
        // transaction to autocommit before the rest of the code executes, resulting in an error.
        obj_store.get(META_KEY).onsuccess = ({result: last_time2}) => {
            log('last_time', last_time, 'last_time2', last_time2, 'new_time', new_time);
            // Check if some other transaction updated db in the mean time so we don't overwrite newer data
            if (!last_time2 || last_time2 < new_time) {
                obj_store.put(new_time, META_KEY);
                obj_store.put(new_data, DATA_KEY);
            log('finished write callback');

        // This version of the above code using a Promise wrapper results in an error
        // idbreq(obj_store, 'get', META_KEY).then(last_time2 => {
        //     log('last_time', last_time, 'last_time2', last_time2, 'new_time', new_time);
        //     if (!last_time2 || last_time2 < new_time) {
        //         obj_store.put(new_time, META_KEY);
        //         obj_store.put(new_data, DATA_KEY);
        //     }
        //     log('finished write callback');
        // });

        // Ideally, I'd be able to use await like a civilized person, but the above example
        // shows that IndexedDB breaks when simply using promises, even without await.
        // const last_time2 = await idbreq(obj_store, 'get', META_KEY);
        // log('last_time', last_time, 'last_time2', last_time2, 'new_time', new_time);
        // if (!last_time2 || last_time2 < new_time) {
        //     obj_store.put(new_time, META_KEY);
        //     obj_store.put(new_data, DATA_KEY);
        // }
        // log('finished write callback');
    return [last_time, new_time];

open_db('test').then(update_db).then(([prev, new_]) => log(`updated db timestamp from ${prev} to ${new_}`));


如果这会导致您的设计出现问题,而您仍想使用 indexedDB,那么请围绕它进行设计。 重新评估您是否需要事务安全,或者是否需要为多个请求实际重用一个事务,而不是创建多个事务,每个事务只有几个请求。

与用大量请求生成少量事务相比,用每个事务少量请求生成大量事务几乎没有开销。 唯一真正关心的是一致性。

任何等待都是变相的收益。 当没有待处理的请求时,indexedDB 事务超时。 收益率会导致时间间隔,因此事务将超时。



.catch(e => {
    error('caught error', e);

我不确定详细信息,但显示警报似乎会导致所有事务自动提交,而承诺仍处于挂起状态,导致我在用户单击警报弹出窗口上的“确定”后看到的错误并且挂起的承诺继续. 从我的全局错误处理程序中删除alert调用解决了这个问题。


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