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如何在 Android Q 中检查互联网连接?

[英]How can I check internet connection in Android Q?

在 Android Q 之前,您所要做的就是使用 NetworkUtils 类。 但是这个类在 API 29 中已被弃用。我一直在寻找替代方案,但似乎找不到。

那么,如何在 Android Q 中检查互联网连接?


     @IntRange(from = 0, to = 3)
public static int getConnectionType(Context context) {
    int result = 0; // Returns connection type. 0: none; 1: mobile data; 2: wifi
    ConnectivityManager cm = (ConnectivityManager) context.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M) {
        if (cm != null) {
            NetworkCapabilities capabilities = cm.getNetworkCapabilities(cm.getActiveNetwork());
            if (capabilities != null) {
                if (capabilities.hasTransport(NetworkCapabilities.TRANSPORT_WIFI)) {
                    result = 2;
                } else if (capabilities.hasTransport(NetworkCapabilities.TRANSPORT_CELLULAR)) {
                    result = 1;
                } else if (capabilities.hasTransport(NetworkCapabilities.TRANSPORT_VPN)) {
                    result = 3;
    } else {
        if (cm != null) {
            NetworkInfo activeNetwork = cm.getActiveNetworkInfo();
            if (activeNetwork != null) {
                // connected to the internet
                if (activeNetwork.getType() == ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI) {
                    result = 2;
                } else if (activeNetwork.getType() == ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE) {
                    result = 1;
                } else if (activeNetwork.getType() == ConnectivityManager.TYPE_VPN) {
                    result = 3;
    return result;



public static boolean isInternetConnected(Context context) {
    ConnectivityManager cm = (ConnectivityManager) context.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M) {
        return cm.getActiveNetwork() != null && cm.getNetworkCapabilities(cm.getActiveNetwork()) != null;
    } else {
        return cm.getActiveNetworkInfo() != null && cm.getActiveNetworkInfo().isConnectedOrConnecting();

ConnectivityManager 仅检查智能手机理论上是否可以建立 Internet 连接。 Internet 连接是否真的存在,例如网络质量很差,只能通过 ping 或网址来确定。

只需使用此代码并调用 isInternatAvailable(context)。

    private static final String CMD_PING_GOOGLE = "ping -w -c 1 google.com";

    public static boolean isInternetAvailable(@NonNull Context context) {
        return isConnected(context) && checkInternetPingGoogle();

    public static boolean isConnected(@NonNull Context context) {
        ConnectivityManager cm = (ConnectivityManager) context.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
        if(cm != null) {
            NetworkInfo activeNetwork = cm.getActiveNetworkInfo();
            return activeNetwork != null && activeNetwork.isConnectedOrConnecting();
        } else {
            return false;

    public static boolean checkInternetPingGoogle(){
        try {
            int a = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(CMD_PING_GOOGLE).waitFor();
            return a == 0x0;
        } catch (IOException ioE){
            EMaxLogger.onException(TAG, ioE);
        } catch (InterruptedException iE){
            EMaxLogger.onException(TAG, iE);
        return false;


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