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将键/值对添加到特定的 Javascript 对象

[英]Add a key/value pair to a specific Javascript object

var data = {
  "2738": {
      "Question": "How are you?",
      "Answer": "I'm fine"
  "4293": {
      "Question": "What's your name?",
      "Answer": "My name is John"
var newQuestion = "Where are you from?";
var newAnswer = "I'm from Australia";

如果我想使用特定 ID 将我的新问题/答案添加到我的数据中,我可以这样做:

data[6763] = {
  "Question" : newQuestion,
  "Answer" : newAnswer,

但是如果我想分别添加问题和答案怎么办? (例如同时执行代码)


data[6763].Question = newQuestion;
data[6763].Answer = newAnswer;

data[6763] = {"Question" : newQuestion};
data[6763] = {"Answer" : newAnswer};

Object.getOwnPropertyNames(data)[6763].Question = newQuestion;
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(data)[6763].Answer = newAnswer;


 let data = { "2738": { "Question": "How are you?", "Answer": "I'm fine" }, "4293": { "Question": "What's your name?", "Answer": "My name is John" } } let newQuestion = "Where are you from?"; let newAnswer = "I'm from Australia"; data[6763]={} // mistake was here you first bind the "6773" object data[6763]['Question'] = newQuestion; data[6763]['Answer'] = newAnswer; console.log(data)


 var data = { "2738": { "Question": "How are you?", "Answer": "I'm fine" }, "4293": { "Question": "What's your name?", "Answer": "My name is John" } }; var newQuestion = "1", newAnswer = "2"; data[6763] = {}; data[6763].Question = newQuestion; data[6763].Answer = newAnswer; console.log(data);


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