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Oracle SQL 环形自连接

[英]Oracle SQL looped self-join

假设我有一个表,它有一个引用它自己的 PRIMARY KEY 的 FOREIGN KEY,如下所示:

|          ID         |       NAME       |     PARENT_ID    |
|          01         |       John       |         04       |
|          02         |       Paul       |         01       |
|          03         |       George     |         02       |
|          04         |       Ringo      |         03       |


是否有可以检测到此类循环的 SQL select?

我知道我可以编写递归 PL/SQL 过程,但我更喜欢使用“纯”SQL 的解决方案。


您可以使用带有 CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE 伪列的 CONNECT BY 查询来查找循环 - 请参阅Oracle 文档中的示例

SELECT last_name "Employee", CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE "Cycle"
FROM employees
WHERE level <= 3 
AND   department_id = 80
START WITH last_name = 'King'
CONNECT BY NOCYCLE PRIOR employee_id = manager_id;

您可以使用connect by nocycleconnect_by_iscycle来做到这一点。 对于您的表结构,它看起来像:

select id, name, parent_id, connect_by_iscycle
from mytable
connect by nocycle id = prior parent_id
start with id = 4

connect by nocycle导致查询在遇到 cyle 时停止迭代,伪列connect_by_iscycle包含一个标志,指示它发生的时间点,如本演示所示

-: | :----- | --------: | -----------------:
 4 | Ringo  |         3 |                  0
 3 | George |         2 |                  0
 2 | Paul   |         1 |                  0
 1 | John   |         4 |                  1  --> cycle detected here

这是一个递归 cte 的解决方案:

with cte (id, parent_id, ids) as
  select id, parent_id, to_char(id) from mytable
  union all
  select t.id, t.parent_id, ids || ' -> ' || t.id
  from cte
  join mytable t on t.id = cte.parent_id
cylce id set cycle to 1 default 0
select ids as cycling_ids
from cte
where cycle = 1
order by ids;


+ ----------------------+
| CYCLING_IDS           |
+ ----------------------+
| 1 -> 4 -> 3 -> 2 -> 1 |
| 2 -> 1 -> 4 -> 3 -> 2 |
| 3 -> 2 -> 1 -> 4 -> 3 |
| 4 -> 3 -> 2 -> 1 -> 4 |
+ ----------------------+

如果您只想查看每个循环一次(我假设),请记住每个循环的最小 ID,并且每个最小 ID 只显示一个循环:

with cte (id, parent_id, ids, min_id) as
  select id, parent_id, to_char(id), id from mytable
  union all
  select t.id, t.parent_id, ids || ' -> ' || t.id, least(t.id, cte.min_id)
  from cte
  join mytable t on t.id = cte.parent_id
cycle id set cycle to 1 default 0
select min(ids) as cycling_ids
from cte
where cycle = 1
group by min_id
order by min_id;


+ ----------------------+
| CYCLING_IDS           |
+ ----------------------+
| 1 -> 4 -> 3 -> 2 -> 1 |
+ ----------------------+

具有更多 ID 和不同案例的演示: https://dbfiddle.uk/?rdbms=oracle_18&fiddle=f7f924cd8759d67a188b7c11f2d071ef

(这仍然不完美。如果一个非常小的 ID 导致更高的 ID 形成一个循环,例如,如果我们插入一个 ID 0 引用 ID 3 作为父级,查询将多次显示循环。这不容易避免,因为我们必须检测圆圈的最小 ID。我可能会编写一个小的 PL/SQL function 从 ID 字符串中获取这个最小 ID。)


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