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[英]Sum of particular column with month and year with fiscal year from custom date


uniqueId    d_date      amount
1         2018-02-01    100.25
2         2019-03-01    456.5
3         2018-02-01    455
4         2019-05-01    200.48
5         2018-06-01    100
6         2019-07-01    200
7         2018-12-01    6950
8         2019-02-01    60
9         2020-01-20    100

现在,当我输入start date = '2018-03-12'时,我的财政年度必须从march 2018 to feb 2019开始,依此类推。

如果我输入start date = '2019-05-12' then my fiscal year must start with May 2019 to April 2020

我已经尝试过以下查询,但它无法正常工作,并且它计算过去的一年,即 2017 年我不希望从我输入的自定义日期获得过去一年的任何数据。 因此,如果输入的开始日期 = '2018-03-12',则必须仅开始计算 2018 年及以上年份。 没有过去的一年。

Declare @startdate as date
Declare @monthDate as int
Declare @ownmonth as int
set @startdate = '2018-03-12'
set @monthDate = month(@startdate)
set @ownmonth = 1
    year(dateadd(month, -@monthDate, d_date)) year,
    sum(case when month(d_date) = case when @monthDate+1 > 12 then @ownmonth else @monthDate+1 End  then amount end) ,
    sum(case when month(d_date) = case when @monthDate+2 > 12 then @ownmonth+1 else @monthDate+2  End then amount end) ,
    sum(case when month(d_date) = case when @monthDate+3 > 12 then @ownmonth+2 else @monthDate+3  End  then amount end) ,
    sum(case when month(d_date) = case when @monthDate+4 > 12 then @ownmonth+3 else @monthDate+4  End  then amount end) ,
    sum(case when month(d_date) = case when @monthDate+5 > 12 then @ownmonth+4 else @monthDate+5  End  then amount end) ,
    sum(case when month(d_date) = case when @monthDate+6 > 12 then @ownmonth+5 else @monthDate+6  End  then amount end) ,
    sum(case when month(d_date) = case when @monthDate+7 > 12 then @ownmonth+6 else @monthDate+7  End  then amount end) ,
    sum(case when month(d_date) = case when @monthDate+8 > 12 then @ownmonth+7 else @monthDate+8  End then amount end) ,
    sum(case when month(d_date) = case when @monthDate+9 > 12 then @ownmonth+8 else @monthDate+9  End  then amount end) ,
    sum(case when month(d_date) = case when @monthDate+10 > 12 then @ownmonth+9 else @monthDate+10  End then amount end) ,
    sum(case when month(d_date) = case when @monthDate+11 > 12 then @ownmonth+10 else @monthDate+11  End then amount end) ,
    sum(case when month(d_date) = case when @monthDate+12 > 12 then @ownmonth+11 else @monthDate+12  End then amount end) ,
    sum(amount) total
from mytable
group by year(dateadd(month, -@monthDate, amount))
order by year


现在我想要 output 与会计年度计算:

Year    Mar     Apr    May    Jun   July   Aug   Sept   Oct   Nov    Dec  Jan     Feb    Total
2018     -      -       -     100     -     -    -     -     -      6950   -      60     7110
2019    456.5    -    200.48   -    200     -    -     -     -        -    100     -     956.98

我不能使用PIVOT ,因为我的紧凑型 SQL 服务器版本不支持它。


您的会计年度规则是当年的 3 月到次年的 2 月:

date       | fiscal year
...        | ...
2018-02-28 | 2017
2018-03-01 | 2018
...        | 2018
2019-02-28 | 2018
2019-03-01 | 2019
...        | ...


date       | date - 2 months | fiscal year
...        | ...             | ...
2018-02-28 | 2017-12-28      | 2017
2018-03-01 | 2018-01-01      | 2018
...        | ...             | 2018
2019-02-28 | 2018-12-28      | 2018
2019-03-01 | 2019-01-01      | 2019
...        | ...             | ...
  year(dateadd(month, -2, d_date)) as fiscal_year,
  sum(case when month(d_date) =  3 then amount else 0 end) as mar,
  sum(case when month(d_date) =  4 then amount else 0 end) as apr,
  sum(case when month(d_date) =  5 then amount else 0 end) as may,
  sum(case when month(d_date) =  6 then amount else 0 end) as jun,
  sum(case when month(d_date) =  7 then amount else 0 end) as jul,
  sum(case when month(d_date) =  8 then amount else 0 end) as aug,
  sum(case when month(d_date) =  9 then amount else 0 end) as sep,
  sum(case when month(d_date) = 10 then amount else 0 end) as oct,
  sum(case when month(d_date) = 11 then amount else 0 end) as nov,
  sum(case when month(d_date) = 12 then amount else 0 end) as dec,
  sum(case when month(d_date) =  1 then amount else 0 end) as jan,
  sum(case when month(d_date) =  2 then amount else 0 end) as feb,
  sum(amount) as total
from mytable
group by year(dateadd(month, -2, d_date))
order by year(dateadd(month, -2, d_date));


where year(dateadd(month, -2, d_date)) = year(dateadd(month, -2, @given_date))


where year(dateadd(month, -2, d_date)) >= year(dateadd(month, -2, @given_date))

更新:您希望一个会计年度从给定日期当月的第一天开始。 即,如果给定日期是 1990-04-23,则会计年度从 4 月开始。 上面的查询仅略有变化,因为我们必须将其概括为比给定月份少一个月,而不是减去 2 个月(对于 3 月)。

我在比较月份时使用了模运算,以免以 13、14 等月份结束。

  year(dateadd(month, - month(@startdate) + 1, d_date)) as fiscal_year,
  sum(case when month(d_date) = (month(@startdate) +  0) % 12 then amount else 0 end) as first,
  sum(case when month(d_date) = (month(@startdate) +  1) % 12 then amount else 0 end) as second,
  sum(case when month(d_date) = (month(@startdate) +  2) % 12 then amount else 0 end) as third,
  sum(case when month(d_date) = (month(@startdate) +  3) % 12 then amount else 0 end) as fourth,
  sum(case when month(d_date) = (month(@startdate) +  4) % 12 then amount else 0 end) as fith,
  sum(case when month(d_date) = (month(@startdate) +  5) % 12 then amount else 0 end) as sixth,
  sum(case when month(d_date) = (month(@startdate) +  6) % 12 then amount else 0 end) as seventh,
  sum(case when month(d_date) = (month(@startdate) +  7) % 12 then amount else 0 end) as eighth,
  sum(case when month(d_date) = (month(@startdate) +  8) % 12 then amount else 0 end) as nineth,
  sum(case when month(d_date) = (month(@startdate) +  9) % 12 then amount else 0 end) as tenth,
  sum(case when month(d_date) = (month(@startdate) + 10) % 12 then amount else 0 end) as eleventh,
  sum(case when month(d_date) = (month(@startdate) + 11) % 12 then amount else 0 end) as twelfth,
  sum(amount) as total
from mytable
group by year(dateadd(month, - month(@startdate) + 1, d_date))
order by year(dateadd(month, - month(@startdate) + 1, d_date));


where year(dateadd(month, - month(@startdate) + 1, d_date)) >= year(@startdate)


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