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如何在 net.core 3.1 中连接打开的 excel 应用程序?

[英]How to connect an open excel application in net.core 3.1?

在 Net.Framework 中,我可以使用下一个 function 来操作 excel 应用程序的打开实例:

using Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel;
public static Excel.Workbook GetOpenedExcelWorkbook(string workBookName)
    Excel.Application xlsApp = null;
    try { xlsApp = (Excel.Application)Marshal.GetActiveObject("Excel.Application"); }
    catch { return null; }

    foreach (Excel.Workbook wb in xlsApp.Workbooks)
        if (wb.Name == workBookName)
            return wb;
    return null;

这很方便,因为用户只需单击 excel 工作表中的按钮并调用所有必要的程序。 并且我可以在 C# 中编写操作 excel 的代码,这比 VBA 更有用和更强大。 VBA 中的下一个代码用于在单击 excel 中的按钮时调用 C# 控制台应用程序。 它在活动 excel 文件附近找到适当的 exe 文件,并通过 Z6E3EC7E6A9F6007B4838FC0EE793A809289777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

Sub Button1_Click()
    Call ExeCaller("ConsoleApp.exe", "Button1_action_arg")
End Sub

Sub ExeCaller(ExeName As String, Optional cmd As String = "")
    Dim arg As String
    If Not Dir(ExeName) = "" Then
        arg = ExeName & " " & ActiveWorkbook.Name & IIf(cmd = "", "", " " & cmd)
        Dim pathToWB As String: pathToWB = ThisWorkbook.Path
        Dim pathToExe_Release As String: pathToExe_Release = pathToWB + "\bin\Release\" + ExeName
        Dim pathToExe_Debug As String:   pathToExe_Debug = pathToWB + "\bin\Debug\" + ExeName

        Dim dr As Double, dd As Double
        If Not Dir(pathToExe_Release) = "" Then dr = FileDateTime(pathToExe_Release)
        If Not Dir(pathToExe_Debug) = "" Then dd = FileDateTime(pathToExe_Debug)
        Dim dmax As Double: dmax = IIf(dr > dd, dr, dd)

        If (dmax = 0) Then
            If Not Dir(ExeName) = "" Then
                pathToExe = ExeName
                MsgBox "File " + ExeName + "not found!", vbCritical, Error
                Exit Sub
            End If
        ElseIf dmax = dr Then
            pathToExe = pathToExe_Release
        ElseIf dmax = dd Then
            pathToExe = pathToExe_Debug

            MsgBox "File " + ExeName + "not found!", vbCritical, Error
            Exit Sub
        End If

        arg = pathToExe & " " & ActiveWorkbook.Name & IIf(cmd = "", "", " " & cmd)
    End If

    Shell arg, vbNormalFocus
End Sub

使其成为可能的关键功能是 C# 中的Marshal.GetActiveObject(string ProgID) ,它在 Net.Framework 中可用。

现在我尝试迁移到 Net.Core 3.1。 It is possible to use Excel object model in Net.Core by this way: https://github.com/dotnet/samples/tree/master/core/extensions/ExcelDemo So that I can create a new instance of Excel.Application and通过它创建新的或打开现有的 excel 工作簿并使用它来操作所有功能。 但是我无法连接到打开 excel 工作簿,因为 Net.Core 中没有 Marshal.GetActiveObject(string ProgID) function。 Preview Net.Core 5 也没有。 并且没有类似的function。

我尝试使用 Net.Core 中可用的 Marshal.GetObjectForIUnknown(IntPtr pUnk) 来做到这一点。 据我所知 Excel.Application 是一个 COM 对象,因此它具有 IUnknown 接口。 我试图通过可以按名称找到的打开 excel 应用程序的过程来获取此指针。 我使用了这个天真的代码:

public static Excel.Application GetOpenedExcelApplication()
    Process[] aP = Process.GetProcesses();
    foreach (Process p in aP)
        string pn = p.ProcessName.ToLower();

        if (Regex.IsMatch(pn, "excel*"))
            object o = Marshal.GetObjectForIUnknown(p.Handle);
            Excel.Application app = (Excel.Application)o;
            return app;

    return null;

Marshall.GetObjectForIUnknown() 调用线路上发生 System.ExecutionEngineException。

Net.Core 中有没有办法访问打开的 Excel 工作簿?

We can have a look to source code of Marshal class in .NET Framework 4.X and copy GetActiveObject method implementation to projects of .NET Core and .NET 5 and .NET 6. It works.

public static class ExMarshal
    internal const String OLEAUT32 = "oleaut32.dll";
    internal const String OLE32 = "ole32.dll";

    [System.Security.SecurityCritical]  // auto-generated_required
    public static Object GetActiveObject(String progID)
        Object obj = null;
        Guid clsid;

        // Call CLSIDFromProgIDEx first then fall back on CLSIDFromProgID if
        // CLSIDFromProgIDEx doesn't exist.
            CLSIDFromProgIDEx(progID, out clsid);
        //            catch
        catch (Exception)
            CLSIDFromProgID(progID, out clsid);

        GetActiveObject(ref clsid, IntPtr.Zero, out obj);
        return obj;

    //[DllImport(Microsoft.Win32.Win32Native.OLE32, PreserveSig = false)]
    [DllImport(OLE32, PreserveSig = false)]
    [System.Security.SecurityCritical]  // auto-generated
    private static extern void CLSIDFromProgIDEx([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] String progId, out Guid clsid);

    //[DllImport(Microsoft.Win32.Win32Native.OLE32, PreserveSig = false)]
    [DllImport(OLE32, PreserveSig = false)]
    [System.Security.SecurityCritical]  // auto-generated
    private static extern void CLSIDFromProgID([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] String progId, out Guid clsid);

    //[DllImport(Microsoft.Win32.Win32Native.OLEAUT32, PreserveSig = false)]
    [DllImport(OLEAUT32, PreserveSig = false)]
    [System.Security.SecurityCritical]  // auto-generated
    private static extern void GetActiveObject(ref Guid rclsid, IntPtr reserved, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] out Object ppunk);


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