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使用 Async/Await 跳出 while 循环

[英]Break out of while loop with Async/Await

上下文:我有一个 while 循环,我想运行 10 次,并且在其中我有每 3 秒运行一次的异步/等待代码。 如果 while 循环运行了 10 次并且 async/await 检查没有返回预期值,那么它就像超时一样工作,然后退出 while 循环进程超时。

问题:代码的跳出循环部分首先运行,并且 i(loop variable) 的值已达到最大值。 当我想出我设置它的方式时,我无法访问 i while 循环的值,只有当 i 处于其最大值时。


var i = 0;

    //Run 10 Times
    while (i < 10) {

        //Run every 3 seconds
        ((i) => {
            setTimeout( async () => {
                isAuthenticated = await eel.is_authenticated()();
                sessionStorage.sessionStatus = JSON.stringify(isAuthenticated);
                console.log('------NEW STATUS-------');
                console.log('Inside:' + i);
            }, 3000 * i)

        //Break out of loop early if condition is met or I is exhausted, but it only runs 1 time and i is always max
        if (i === 9 || JSON.parse(sessionStorage.sessionStatus).authenticated) {
            console.log('Outside:' + i);

注意:如果有人想知道eel.is_authenticated()(); 不是错字,它是一个 python 库,用于创建桌面应用程序 double ()() 是正常的。



这里的问题是您正在立即运行所有循环迭代(10 次),在此过程中设置 10 个超时,彼此相隔 3 秒:

  1. 您的循环运行 10 次,产生 10 次超时
  2. 您到达i === 9案例
  3. 3 秒后,第一次超时运行
  4. 3 秒后,第二次超时运行
  5. ...

您想要的是循环在迭代之间实际等待 3 秒。 为此,您将以不同的方式使用setTimeout - 您将创建一个 promise 来解决超时问题并await promise:

// As helper function for readability
const delay = ms => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));

// Your loop
let i;
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
  // Wait 3s
  await delay(3000);

  // Check authentication
  const isAuthenticated = await eel.is_authenticated()();
  sessionStorage.sessionStatus = JSON.stringify(isAuthenticated);
  console.log('------NEW STATUS-------');
  console.log('Inside:' + i);

  // Break loop if authenticated
  if (isAuthenticated.authenticated) break;

// We were authenticated, or looped 10 times
// Note: Because I moved this outside, i will now actually be 10 if the loop
// ended by itself, not 9.
console.log('Outside:' + i);

但是这里的一个结果是,如果对is_authenticated的调用花费大量时间,则检查间隔将超过3 秒,因为我们现在正在等待 3 秒此调用。 如果这是不希望的,我们可以根据自上次调用以来经过的时间来减少延迟时间:

// As helper function for readability
const delay = ms => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));

// We will save here when the last delay completed, so that the checks are always
// 3s apart (unless the check takes longer than 3s)
// Initially we save the current time so that the first wait is always 3s, as before
let lastIteration = Date.now();

// Your loop
let i;
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
  // Wait until 3s after last iteration (limited to 0ms, negative waits won't work)
  await delay(Math.max(lastIteration + 3000 - Date.now(), 0));

  // Update "last iteration" time so the next delay will wait until 3s from now again
  lastIteration = Date.now();

  // Check authentication
  const isAuthenticated = await eel.is_authenticated()();
  sessionStorage.sessionStatus = JSON.stringify(isAuthenticated);
  console.log('------NEW STATUS-------');
  console.log('Inside:' + i);

  // Break loop if authenticated
  if (isAuthenticated.authenticated) break;

// We were authenticated, or looped 10 times
// Note: Because I moved this outside, i will now actually be 10 if the loop
// ended by itself, not 9.
console.log('Outside:' + i);

所有这些都假设此代码所在的 function 是async 如果不是,您需要将其设为async ,但是您需要记住在调用它时添加.catch(e => handleTheErrorSomehow(e))以避免未处理的 promise 拒绝!


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