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如何从 UI 线程调用方法?

[英]How do you call a method from a UI thread?

我正在尝试从多线程程序访问 Microsoft Store。 该程序本身运行良好 - 没有问题,但方法

Windows.Foundation.IAsyncOperation<StorePurchaseResult> purchase = product.RequestPurchaseAsync();


“window 句柄无效。\r\n\r\n必须从 UI 线程调用此 function”


        private void testButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Dispatcher dispUI = Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher;
            //dispUI.BeginInvoke((ThreadStart)delegate ()
            //    _ = SetStore();

            //Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(TestStuff));

            _ = SetStore();


        private interface IInitializeWithWindow
            void Initialize(IntPtr hwnd);

        private async Task SetStore()
                StoreContext theStore = StoreContext.GetDefault();

                // "Unable to cast object of type 'Windows.Services.Store.StoreContext' to type 'IInitializeWithWindow'."
                // IInitializeWithWindow initWindow = (IInitializeWithWindow)(object)theStore;
                // initWindow.Initialize(System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainWindowHandle);

                StoreProductResult app = await theStore.GetStoreProductForCurrentAppAsync();

                // This works...
                StoreProduct product = app.Product;
                string title = product.Title;
                string price = product.Price.FormattedPrice;

                // This works...
                StoreAppLicense license = await theStore.GetAppLicenseAsync();
                bool trial = license.IsTrial;
                bool full = license.IsActive;

                // "Invalid window handle.\r\n\r\nThis function must be called from a UI thread" 
                StorePurchaseResult result = await theStore.RequestPurchaseAsync("9NRFBVGVGW8K");

                // "Invalid window handle.\r\n\r\nThis function must be called from a UI thread" 
                // Windows.Foundation.IAsyncOperation<StorePurchaseResult> purchase = product.RequestPurchaseAsync();
            catch (Exception e)
                int a = 1;


我已将 VS2019 UWP 安装程序项目与商店相关联,我认为这就是为什么其他方法无需使用 IInitializeWithWindow 转换商店 object 即可返回正确答案的原因(这也会引发错误,但绕过它似乎可以让代码工作) .

我想我必须以某种方式进入 UI 线程 - go 不知道如何。 来自各地的各种例子似乎对我不起作用。 谁能帮我?

编辑:这是一个 .Net 程序,带有 UWP 包装器,创建 MSIX package。

对于 UWP,您需要使用以下代码调用 UI 线程:

await Dispatcher.RunAsync(Windows.UI.Core.CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () => {
    //UI code here

尝试以下,它适用于 .net 6 wpf 应用程序

WinRT.Interop.InitializeWithWindow.Initialize(storeContext, new WindowInteropHelper(window).Handle);


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