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更新列表项多个查找值字段 Microsoft Graph

[英]Update list item multiple lookup value field Microsoft Graph



List < QueryOption > options = new List < QueryOption > {
    new QueryOption("$expand", "listitem")
//get drive item with list item
var driveItem = graphClient.Sites[IdGestDoc].Drive.Items[itemResult.Id].Request(options).GetAsync().Result;
var fieldValueSet = new FieldValueSet {
    AdditionalData = new Dictionary < string,
    object > {
        }, {
            "Theme_fonctionnel", ThemeFonctionnel.ToArray()
        } //ThemeFonctionnel is a List<string> => lookupid
await graphClient.Sites[IdGestDoc].Lists["Documents"].Items[driveItem.ListItem.Id].Fields.Request().UpdateAsync(fieldValueSet);

但是这段代码不起作用,我找不到我所缺少的。 任何帮助将不胜感激 !

要设置 Lookup 字段,您需要通过传入属性名称和添加的“LookupId”来设置属性:

        string propertyName = "Theme_fonctionnel";

        var fieldValueSet = new FieldValueSet();

        var propertyValuesArray = options.ToArray();

        var attributes = new Dictionary<string, object>();

        //first, we need to specify the input data type
        string oDataTypeInfoPropertyName = propertyName + "LookupId@odata.type";
        string oDataDataType = "Collection(Edm.String)";
        attributes.Add(oDataTypeInfoPropertyName, oDataDataType);

        //next, we need to pass the values as an array
        string newPropertyName = propertyName + "LookupId";
        attributes.Add(newPropertyName, propertyValuesArray);

        fieldValueSet.AdditionalData = attributes;


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