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起订量具体 class 不使用虚拟关键字

[英]Moq concrete class without using virtual keyword




public interface ITest
    int Prop { get; }
    int Calc();


public class Test : ITest
    public int Prop { get; private set; }

    public int Calc()
        return Prop * 2;

我想测试Calc()方法。 如果我的理解是正确的,您不能在不使用virtual关键字的情况下覆盖具体类的 getter 属性。


var moq = new Mock<Test>();  // mocked Test class
moq.Setup(x => x.Prop).Returns(2); // throws an error, 
                                   // however with "virtual int Prop { get; }" it doesn't throw any exceptions
var moq = new Mock<ITest>();  // mocked ITest interface
moq.Setup(x => x.Prop).Returns(2); // works fine
                                   // but can not really test the Calc() method (it returns 0
                                   // because the proxy doesn't have Test's implementation)


所以我的问题是:如何在不制作virtual int Prop的情况下测试Calc()的功能


var moq = new Mock<ITest>();
moq.Setup(x => x.Prop).Returns(2);

var obj = (Test)moq.Object; // can NOT convert ITestProxy to Test

如果你想测试Calc()然后测试Calc() 你不需要嘲笑任何东西

public void Test_Calc_DoublesProp()
    var test = new Test(5);  //assumes Prop value can be injected in constructor

    int result = test.Calc();

    Assert.IsTrue(result == 10); // 5 * 2


它使用 ILGenerator 并且很旧,但它可以工作。


var test = new Test(); // default value of 'Prop' is  0
var shim = Shim.Replace(() => test.Prop).With((Test @this) => // idk why he needs @this param
    return 100; // sets the 'Prop' value to 100

var result = 0;
PoseContext.Isolate(() =>
    result = test.Calc(); // prints 200;
}, shim);


关于您的测试,只需测试 class 的实际暴露行为,这意味着不要尝试使用私有方法和设置器。 在任何情况下,模拟 class 进行测试都不是有效的方法。


如果要测试Test class:

public class TestTests

    public void Calc_WhenPropIsSetTo5_Returns10()
         *   Seems this is what you want to test (see name of methods),
         *   and I don't think it is a good idea, as your setter is private.
         *   Since it's not a "public" behavior, you could either 
         *    a) have the setter as internal for testing purposes,
         *    b) (my recommendation) go for the two other tests below instead;
         *       this will actually test the exposed behavior of the class.
         *    c) circumvent the accessibility (by using a library or using
         *       Reflection directly) to set the value of the prop. 
         *       See your own answer for an example. 

    public void Calc_WhenCreatedWith5_Returns10()
        // Arrange 
        var testSubject = new Test(5); // if the prop is set by constructor... otherwise arrange in the proper way.

        // Act
        var actualResult = testSubject.Calc();

        // Assert
        Assert.AreEqual(expected: 10, actualResult)

    public void Prop_WhenCreatedWith5_IsSetTo5()
        // Arrange 
        var testSubject = new Test(5);

        // Act
        var actualResult = testSubject.Prop;

        // Assert
        Assert.AreEqual(expected: 5, actualResult)



1 -取决于接口ITest ,而不是实现Test

2 - 将依赖注入到正在测试的 class 中,这样您就可以用Mock<ITest>.Object()替换通常的实现Test

public class ClassThatUsesTest
    private readonly ITest _test;

    public ClassThatUsesTest(ITest test)
        _test = test;    

    public int SomeFunction()
       if (_test.Calc() == 10)
           return 42;
           return 0;

public class ClassThatUsesTestTests
    public void SomeFunction_WhenTestCalcReturns10_Returns42()
        // Arrange
        var testMock = new Mock<ITest>();
        testMock.Setup(x => x.Calc()).Returns(10);
        var testSubject = new ClassThatUsesTest(testMock.Object);
        var expectedResult = 42;

        // Act
        var actualResult = testSubject.SomeFunction();

        Assert.AreEqual(expectedResult, actualResult);

在最后一个示例中,您可以看到模拟帮助我们隔离测试,而不依赖于Test class 的实际实现细节。 即使突然间实际的Test被破坏或改变(例如,你需要通过 6 而不是 5 来获得 10),测试方法并不关心。


public class Test : ITest
    private int _prop;

    public int Prop
        get => ((ITest)this).Prop;
        private set => _prop = value;

    public int Calc()
        return Prop * 2;

    int ITest.Prop => _prop;


var mock = new Mock<Test>();
    .Setup(x => x.Prop)

// This should return 6


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