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如果密钥存在于 angular 5 html 中,则显示 map 值

[英]display the map value if key exists in angular 5 html

component文件中创建了 map - tempDAMap

import 'rxjs/add/operator/map';
export class AComponent implements OnInit {
  tempDAMap = new Map();
    /** Onchange */
  selectedName(pName: any): void {
    this.service.getPAData(pName).subscribe( (data) => {
      if (data.length > 0 && data != '' && data != null) {
    this.savedData = data;
    this.tempDataStatus = true;
    this.savedData.forEach(function(assessData) {
      this.tempDAMap.set(assessData.qId, assessData.ansSelected);
      else {
        this.tempDataStatus = false;
    (error) => {} )

在 HTML 文件中,有一个包含QuestionId的外部 for 循环,并在 map(子集)内检查QuestionId是否存在于其中并显示来自 map tempDAMap的值。

    <div *ngFor="let QA of Questions">
      <div>  <label> {{ques.desc}} </label>
        <div *ngIf="tempDataStatus === true">
 /** Check if tempDAMap contains Id (from Questions- outer for loop)*/
        <div *ngIf="tempDAMap.has(ques.questionId)"> 
          <p> {{ }} </p>  /** display the map value  */

我无法检查密钥是否存在并显示 map 值。




this.savedData.forEach(function(assessData) {
 this.tempDAMap.set(assessData.qId, assessData.ansSelected);


this.savedData.forEach((assessData) => {
  this.tempDAMap.set(assessData.qId, assessData.ansSelected);

In javascript, function is a keyword that represents an action but it also has similar behavior to the class keyword , playing the role of a class constructor when it appears after another keyword: new (eg. new function(...) {...} )。 最初这甚至是在 javascript 中实例化对象的方式。

Because of that, when you use the function keyword you set a scope, and the this inside it refers to the function itself, as a consequence of its class constructor behavior.


  1. 老派:将外部 scope 保存在临时变量中,以便可以在 function 内部使用( that是用于此任务的通用变量名称):
const that = this;
this.savedData.forEach(function(assessData) {
 that.tempDAMap.set(assessData.qId, assessData.ansSelected);
  1. 箭头函数:为避免在 function 中捕获this的含义,您可以在创建 function 时避免使用function关键字。 取而代之的是,您可以使用箭头 function表示法(其他编程语言中的lambda 函数)来定义您的函数。 By doing that the this keyword inside the body of the arrow function will refer to the outside scope (some people like to say that you bring the outside scope to the function scope ).


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