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通过修改父 State 防止重新渲染

[英]Prevent Re-Render With Modifications to Parent State

如何在父组件中修改 state 并将其作为道具传递给子组件,但仅在修改后的 state 更改时重新渲染这些子组件?

我的基本设置目前有效,但它会导致一些不必要的重新渲染。 父组件从 URL(使用 react-router 挂钩)获取信息并对其进行修改,然后将其作为道具传递给其子组件。 该组件如下所示:

 const myComponent = () => {

    const { dataType } = useParams();
    const { search } = useLocation();

    /// These functions help me transform that data into something more manageable
    const y = queryString.parse(search).collection;
    const { collections, gqlQuery } = getCollections(dataType);
    const collection = collections.find(x => x.value === y);

    return (
     <MyChild collection={collection} /> ... This component is re-rendering unnecessarily.


如何确保当 URL 不更改(使用 react-router 提取的dataTypesearch值)时,接收派生数据的子组件也不会不必要地重新渲染?


useMemo(() => {
  const y = queryString.parse(search).collection;
  const { collections, gqlQuery } = getCollections(dataType);
  const collection = collections.find(x => x.value === y);
}, [search, dataType]);


import { memo } from 'react';

function Child() {


export default memo(Child);


function Child(props) {

function areEqual(prevProps, nextProps) {
  return true if passing nextProps to render would return
  the same result as passing prevProps to render,
  otherwise return false
export default React.memo(Child, areEqual);

React.memo - 文档React.useMemo - 文档

PS:请注意,React 通常在重新渲染时非常快。 仅在衡量其影响后将其用作性能增强。 有可能它的性能比以前更差


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