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PHP 填写联系表格后确认 Email

[英]PHP Confirmation Email after filling out Contact Form

我已经为我正在处理的项目创建了一个联系页面,但我无法让它向用户发送确认 email。 我在我的电子邮件页面上定义了 function 以及将联系表发送给我的代码

public function sendEmail(){ //this will format and send an email to the smtp server
        $to = $this->getSenderEmail();
        $subject = $this->getSubject();
        $message = $this->getMessage();
        $headers = "From: <contact@tristonnearmyer.com >";
        $from = $this->getCustomerInfo();
        //it will use the php mail()
        return mail($to,$subject,$message,$from);
public function sendConfEmail(){
        $userEmail = $this->getRecipientEmail();
        $confSubject = "confirmation";
        $confMessage = "thank you";
        return mail($userEmail, $confSubject, $confMessage);


echo $emailTest->sendEmail(); //send email to SMTP server
echo $emailTest->sendConfEmail(); //send confirmation email


请尝试此代码,您需要在sendEmail成功后调用 function sendConfEmail 同样从这里您需要修改 header。 但基于 user3783243 建议更好地更改 PHPMailer 或使用 swift

public function sendEmail(){ //this will format and send an email to the smtp server
    $to = $this->getSenderEmail();
    $subject = $this->getSubject();
    $message = $this->getMessage();
    $from = $this->getCustomerInfo();
    $headers = 'From: '. $from . "\r\n" .
        'Reply-To: youremailhere@example.com' . "\r\n" .
        'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion();

    $sendMail =  mail($to,$subject,$message,$headers);

        // Call the function send confirmation
        echo 'failed sent the email';


public function sendConfEmail(){
    $userEmail = $this->getRecipientEmail();
    $confSubject = "confirmation";
    $confMessage = "thank you";
    $from = $this->getCustomerInfo();
    $headers = 'From: '. $from . "\r\n" .
        'Reply-To: youremailhere@example.com' . "\r\n" .
        'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion();

    return mail($userEmail, $confSubject, $confMessage,$headers);


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