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Excel VBA: Why am I getting a run-time error 438 when adding custom class object into custom class array?

[英]Excel VBA: Why am I getting a run-time error 438 when adding custom class object into custom class array?


我有一个 class 模块,代码如下:

Public questionID As Integer
Public score As Double
Public time As Date
Private lines() As New Line                'If I remove 'New', I end up getting Run-time error 91 instead

Sub CreateByRow(row As Range)
    questionID = row.Cells(1, 1)
    score = row.Cells(1, 7)
    time = row.Cells(1, 8)

    ''' INSERT LINES '''
    Dim tLines As ListObject
    Set tLines = shtLines.ListObjects("lines")

    Erase lines

    Dim rLine As Range
    For Each rLine In tLines.Range.Rows
        If rLine.Cells(1, 1) = questionID Then
            Dim ln As New Line
            ln.CreateByRow rLine           'Line object is created as expected

            u = UBound(lines) + 1          'u = 0 as expected
            ReDim lines(u)                 'Array has a length of 1 and index of 0 as expected
            lines(u) = ln                  'This is where the error happens
        End If
End Sub

当我运行这段代码时,我得到了运行时错误 438,但我不明白为什么。 该阵列正在寻找Line object。 我试图放入的Line object 不是 null。


线数据和 Ln 数据的图像

Set lines(u) = ln

来自: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/office/developer/office-2003/aa192490(v=office.11)?redirectedfrom=MSDN

“在 VBA 中,必须使用 Set 关键字来区分 object 的分配和 object 的默认属性的分配。”

因为这在 VBA 中工作正常:

Dim a
a = Range("a1")   'implicitly uses default property: Range("A1").Value

...当您想a对实际 Range object (而不是其值)的引用时,您需要使用 Set 来告诉运行时您真正想要什么:

Set a = Range("a1")

因此,需要使用Set是具有默认属性(例如Value )的“便利”的副作用


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