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获取/设置谷歌云存储中的元数据 - node.js

[英]Getting/Setting metadata in google cloud storage - node.js

我正在尝试设置和检索 Google Cloud Storage 文件中的元数据,但我尝试的似乎不起作用。 我的代码在 Kube.netes 节点中运行/我有这个:

// let's make sure that the source file is still there.
let sourceFile = storage.bucket(sourceFileObject.bucket).file( sourceFileObject.name );

const metadata = {
      MD_DL_ERROR: 1

console.log( `Setting metadata for ${sourceFileObject.name} to: `, metadata );

sourceFile.setMetadata(metadata, function(err, apiResponse) {

    console.log( `NOW GETTING METADATA for: ${sourceFileObject.name}` );

    sourceFile.getMetadata( function(err, metadata, apiResponse) {
        console.log( "got metadata: ", metadata );
    } );


 Setting metadata for CA-SACMLS/20022759_000.jpg to:  { MD_DL_ERROR: 1 }

 NOW GETTING METADATA for: CA-SACMLS/20022759_000.jpg
 got metadata:  { kind: 'storage#object',
   id:        'idx-photos-raw-gs.ihouseprd.com/CA-SACMLS/20022759_000.jpg/1588629892121256',
   selfLink:  'https://blah blah blah',
   mediaLink: 'https://blah blah blah',
   name: 'CA-SACMLS/20022759_000.jpg',
   bucket: 'idx-photos-raw-gs.ihouseprd.com',
   generation: '1588629892121256',
   metageneration: '2',
   contentType: 'image/jpg',
   storageClass: 'MULTI_REGIONAL',
   size: '124923',
   md5Hash: 'HASHVAL',
   crc32c: 'koOVMQ==',
   etag: 'CKiFmcObm+kCEAI=',
   timeCreated: '2020-05-04T22:04:52.120Z',
   updated: '2020-05-04T22:04:52.509Z',
   timeStorageClassUpdated: '2020-05-04T22:04:52.120Z' }


我认为这是由于文件元数据的修改延迟造成的(第 2 个请求被触发得非常接近和太快),我在您的代码中添加了一个 sleep function 并且看起来像预期的那样工作。

const {Storage} = require('@google-cloud/storage');
const storage = new Storage();
const myBucket = storage.bucket('fakebucket');

//sleep definition
const sleep = (waitTimeInMs) => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, waitTimeInMs));

const sourceFileObject = myBucket.file('demo.zip');
const metadata = {
    metadata: {
        rrasd: 'custom',
        adsdasdasd: 'go here'

sourceFileObject.setMetadata(metadata, function(err, apiResponse) {
    //wait for the propagation
    sleep(250).then(() => {
        sourceFileObject.getMetadata(function(err, metadata, apiResponse) {
            console.log("got metadata: ", metadata);


我更改了代码以避免const metadata重新定义并且看起来像预期的那样工作,睡眠 promise 没有共享元数据变量因此我以前的代码有效,感谢@AndyWallace 的这个提示

  const nmetadata = {
  metadata: {
    rr123809123asd: 'custom'
  sourceFileObject.setMetadata(nmetadata, function(err, apiResponse) {
    sourceFileObject.getMetadata( function(err, metadata, apiResponse) {
      console.log( "got metadata: ", metadata );


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