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如何跨 Java 类共享通用代码

[英]How to share common code across Java classes

我有那些 Java 类:

public class Item {
    String name;
    int price;
    int weight;

    public Item(String name, int price, int weight) {
        this.name = name;
        this.price = price;
        this.weight = weight;
public class Sword extends Item {
    int damage;
    int speed;

    public Sword(String name, int price, int weight, int damage, int speed) {
        super(name, price, weight);
        this.damage = damage;
        this.speed = speed;
public class HasDurability {
    int current_durability;
    int max_durability;

    public HasDurability(int durability) {
        this.max_durability = durability;
        this.current_durability = durability;

    public void damage(int damage) {
        current_durability -= damage;

我想与 Sword 共享来自 HasDurability class 的代码,但不与 Item 共享代码。

编辑:我还想与 Armor 等其他类共享 HasDurability。

我只能扩展一个 class。 如何从 Item 和 HasDurability 共享代码到 Sword class?


public class Sword extends Item {
    int damage;
    int speed;
    HasDurability obj;

您可以通过组合或 inheritance 重用代码。 第一种方法是您实例化一个 class 您想使用“扩展” class 中的方法,然后像这样使用它。 另一种方法是扩展 class。 所以要么你做

Item item = new Item(name, price, weight);
HasDurability hasDurability = new HasDurability(durability);

在 class 中,您希望使用这些类,或者您扩展一个公共超类。 如果需要,您可以创建一个抽象超类并提供共享方法。

我还建议您将 HasDurability class 重命名为 Durability,因为“hasSomething”或“isSomething”通常用于 boolean 值,例如:

boolean hasFur = false;// imagine you have an animal class and you wanna know if the animal has fur or not


public class Item

public class DurableItem extends Item

public class Sword extends DurableItem



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