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如何通过两个表之间的 ID 连接和分组并通过 ID 获取字段总和 - Linq C#?

[英]how can Join and Group by id between Two Tables and Get Sum of Fields - Linq C# through Id?

  private class DataBindingProjection
        public int WorkerId { get; set; }
        public string WorkerName { get; set; }
        public string Address { get; set; }
        public string Contact { get; set; }
        public string ReferenceName { get; set; }
        public string ReferenceContact { get; set; }
        public int TotalDistribute { get; set; }
        public int TotalCollection { get; set; }
        public int TotalDeposit { get; set; }
        public int TotalPayment { get; set; }
        public int TotalPayable { get; set; }

    private void WorkerLIstForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        var totalDistributed = (db.Distributions.AsEnumerable().GroupBy(d => d.WorkerId)).Select(a => new
            WorkerId = a.Key,
            Amount = a.Sum(r => r.Piece)

        var collection = (db.Collections.AsEnumerable().GroupBy(d => d.WorkerId)).Select(a => new
            WorkerId = a.Key,
            Piece = a.Sum(r => r.Piece),
            Deposit = a.Sum(r => r.PayableDeposit)


        var workerPayment = (db.WorkerPayments.AsEnumerable().GroupBy(d => d.WorkerId)).Select(a => new
            WorkerId = a.Key,
            Payment = a.Sum(r => r.Payment),
            PayableAmount = a.Sum(r => r.PayableAmount)

        var worker = from w in db.Workers
                     join d in totalDistributed on w.WorkerId equals d.WorkerId
                     join c in collection on d.WorkerId equals c.WorkerId
                     join wp in workerPayment on w.WorkerId equals wp.WorkerId
                     select new DataBindingProjection
                         WorkerId = w.WorkerId,
                         WorkerName = w.WorkerName,
                         Address = w.Address,
                         Contact = w.Contact,
                         ReferenceName = w.ReferenceName,
                         ReferenceContact = w.RefereceContact,
                         TotalDistribute = d.Amount,
                         TotalCollection = c.Piece,
                         TotalDeposit = c.Deposit,
                         TotalPayment = wp.Payment,
                         TotalPayable = wp.PayableAmount
        workerDataGridView.DataSource = worker.ToList();


这是我的代码,我想通过 workerId 加载数据并对它们的特定列求和,但我遇到了这个错误..System.NotSupportedException:'无法创建'匿名类型'类型的常量值。 在此上下文中仅支持原始类型或枚举类型。

  1. 我的代码错了吗?
  2. 如果它是错误的,哪个正确或更好的方法呢?


var worker = from w in db.Workers
     .Where(w => totalDistributed.Select(td => td.WorkerId).Contains(w.WorkerId))
     .Select(w =>  new {  w.WorkerId,
    join d in totalDistributed on w.WorkerId equals d.WorkerId

另外我想说您可以尝试在数据库端执行整个查询。 尝试从您的原始代码中的workerPaymentcollectiontotalDistributed中删除AsEnumerableToList

  private class DataBindingProjection
        public int CustomerId { get; set; }
        public string CustomerName { get; set; }
        public string Address { get; set; }
        public string Contact { get; set; }
        public string ReferenceName { get; set; }
        public string ReferenceContact { get; set; }
        public int TotalSaleOfPiece { get; set; }
        public int TotalReturn { get; set; }
        public int TotalDue { get; set; }


    private void CustomerListForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        var customer = from c in db.Customers
                       join s in db.Sales on c.CustomerId equals s.CustomerId
                       group c by new { c.CustomerId } into y
                       from customer1 in db.Customers.DefaultIfEmpty().ToList()
                       select new DataBindingProjection
                           CustomerId = customer1.CustomerId,
                           CustomerName = customer1.ShopName,
                           Address = customer1.Address,
                           Contact = customer1.Contact,
                           ReferenceName = customer1.ReferenceName,
                           ReferenceContact = customer1.RefereceContact,
                           TotalSaleOfPiece = customer1.Sales.Sum(m => (int?)m.Piece) ?? 0,
                           TotalReturn = customer1.Sales.Sum(m => (int?)m.ReturnPiece) ?? 0,
                           TotalDue = customer1.Sales.Sum(m => (int?)m.Due) ?? 0,
        customerDataGridView.DataSource = customer.ToList();


您不能将 LINQ 查询与本地对象列表连接起来,因为它无法转换为 SQL。


无法创建类型的常量值 此上下文仅支持原始类型或枚举类型


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