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在 Google 前端负载均衡器后面运行时,如何正确从 Spring 引导 2.3 重定向到 HTTPS

[英]How to properly Redirect from Spring Boot 2.3 to HTTPS when running behind a Google Front End Load Balancer

我有一个 spring 启动应用程序在 GKE 上运行,并通过入口 controller 使用 Google https 负载均衡器。 我正在寻找的行为是 Spring 引导应用程序在收到 http 请求时重定向到 https。 在 Spring Boot 2.2 及更早版本中,我可以使用以下代码和配置来执行此操作。

我的应用程序中的配置 yaml

  port: 8877
  use-forward-headers: true # this should make it understand X-Forwarded-Proto header 

在我的 Spring 安全配置中我做了

  protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {

    /* When the app is running on GKE traffic will come in through the
     * GCP http load balancer. Which will set the X-Forwarded-Proto
     * header to http or https. When the app runs on a dev machine
     * these headers are not set.
     * see https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/https/
     * The code forces ssl if the x forwarded proto header is present
     * as that indicates the app is online and accessible to the
     * wider internet.
        .requestMatchers(r -> r.getHeader("X-Forwarded-Proto") != null)
   // more stuff  omitted  

在 Spring Boot 2.3 server.use-forward-headers已弃用我将配置更改为

  port: 7777
  forward-headers-strategy: native
      protocol-header: "X-Forwarded-Proto"
      remote-ip-header: "X-Forwarded-For"

我没有对需要安全通道的代码进行任何更改。 However, when a request like https://example.com arrives at boot through the GCP load balancer it is not being recognized as a secure connection and a redirect https://example.com is sent from spring boot. 这会导致浏览器说已检测到无限重定向循环。

Question What is the correct way to redirect from http to https on Spring Boot 2.3 running on GKE behind a GCP load balancer configured via and Ingress controller?

Spring 引导依赖于 Tomcat 来评估传入请求以确定该请求是否应被视为“安全”。 Tomcat 远程 IP 阀门正在查看两位信息以评估请求是否安全。

  1. 将请求发送到 tomcat 的负载均衡器/代理的 ip 地址
  2. x-forwarded-proto http header 的值

The ip address of the load balancer which is called internal proxy in tomcat config must be on the trusted list and the x-forwaded-proto must be https for tomcat to consider the request secure. 否则,将发送重定向。

The google load balancer is sending the request with x-forwaded-proto: https but the source ip is one from the google range and so tomcat was considering https requests from the GCP loadbalancer to be insecure发回重定向。 从而导致浏览器抱怨的无限重定向循环。

Spring Boot Configures the tomcat remote ip address using using the property server.tomcat.remoteip.internal-proxies which has default values for private ip addresses from RFC 1918 using the regex below.


Tomcat 不知道如何比较 ip 地址范围,因此必须将谷歌源 ips 转换为正则表达式才能工作。

  port: 7777
  forward-headers-strategy: native
      protocol-header: "X-Forwarded-Proto"
      remote-ip-header: "X-Forwarded-For"
      internal-proxies: ".*" # should Java regex to match ip address range of the load balancer servers. Not a best practice to trust all ip addresses. 


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