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如何添加到 object 中的数组

[英]How to add to an array within an object

我有这个 object,我正在尝试转换它。

names = {
  animals: ['Dog', 'Cat', 'Snake'],
  flowers: ['Rose', 'Daisy']


newObject = {
  type: ['animals', 'flowers']
  subtype: ['Dog', 'Cat', 'Snake', 'Rose', 'Daisy']

我写了以下 function 但由于某种原因它没有正确填充。

const newObject = {};

Object.keys(names).map(type => {
  newObject['types'] = [...newObject['types'], type];
      names[type].map(subtype => {
        newObject['subtypes'] = [...newObject['subtypes'], subtype];

你的.map()回调应该返回你希望每个元素变成什么,所以回调的行为有点像转换 function。 但是,对于这种情况,您不需要使用.map() ,只需从 object 中提取键和值即可。 由于您的值是 arrays,您可以使用.flat()将 arrays 的数组合并到您的subtype键的一个更大的值数组中:

 const names = { animals: ['Dog', 'Cat', 'Snake'], flowers: ['Rose', 'Daisy'] } const type = Object.keys(names); const subtype = Object.values(names).flat(); const newObject = {type, subtype}; console.log(newObject);

newObject = {
  type: ['animals', 'flowers']
  subtype: [...names.animals, ...names.flowers] 

您还可以使用reduce构建新的 object:

 const names = { animals: ['Dog', 'Cat', 'Snake'], flowers: ['Rose', 'Daisy'] }; const res = Object.entries(names).reduce( ({type, subtype}, [key, values]) => ({ type: type.concat(key), subtype: subtype.concat(values) }), { type: [], subtype: [] } // Starting value ); console.log(res);


使用Object.keysObject.values与 array.reduce array.reduce() :)

 const names = { animals: ['Dog', 'Cat', 'Snake'], flowers: ['Rose', 'Daisy'] } const newObject = { type: Object.keys(names), subtype: Object.values(names).reduce((acc, item)=> [...acc, ...item],[]) } console.log(newObject);


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