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[英]How to subscribe to an event through Get-WinEvent in powershell?

我正在尝试侦听 windows 事件日志中的特定日志条目,这表示计算机已连接到互联网:

LogName: Microsoft-Windows-NetworkProfile/Operational
Event ID: 10000

我从现有的 SO question中找到了一些代码,并尝试根据我的目的对其进行调整。 问题是我似乎只能使用Get-WinEvent而不是建议的(已弃用的) Get-EventLog找到我的事件。

WinEvent条目似乎不存在EntryWritten事件,是否有其他事件我可以“订阅”以侦听我的事件的新条目? 还是我应该尝试其他方法?

$networklog = Get-WinEvent -LogName 'Microsoft-Windows-NetworkProfile/Operational'

Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $networklog -SourceIdentifier NewEventLogEntry -EventName EntryWritten -Action {

    $entry = $event.SourceEventArgs.Entry

    if($entry.EventID -eq 10000) {
        # check_url($url)
        Write-Host "Connected"
    else { 
        Write-Host "Something else"

我的最终目标是让一个简单的脚本连续运行,只要与特定 url 的连接可用,它就会调用 function。 任何其他实现这一目标的建议都将不胜感激,因为我觉得我之前没有接触过 powershell 。

对于提到的 cmdlet,您可以通过执行以下操作来获取信息。


(Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem).Version
# Results


(Get-WinEvent -LogName 'Microsoft-Windows-NetworkProfile/Operational').Count
# Results

Get-WinEvent -LogName 'Microsoft-Windows-NetworkProfile/Operational' | 
Select-Object -First 3 | 
Format-Table -AutoSize
# Results
   ProviderName: Microsoft-Windows-NetworkProfile

TimeCreated           Id LevelDisplayName Message
-----------           -- ---------------- -------
09-Jul-20 08:54:25  4004 Information      Network State Change Fired...
09-Jul-20 08:54:22  4004 Information      Network State Change Fired...
09-Jul-20 08:54:18 20002 Information      NSI Set Category Result...


(Get-WinEvent -LogName 'Microsoft-Windows-NetworkProfile/Operational' | 
Select-Object -First 1) |
Sort-Object -Property Name |
# Results
   TypeName: System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogRecord

Name                 MemberType   Definition                                                                                                                       
----                 ----------   ----------                                                                                                                       
Message              NoteProperty string Message=Network State Change Fired...                                                                                     
Id                   Property     int Id {get;}                                                                                                                    
Keywords             Property     System.Nullable[long] Keywords {get;}                                                                                            
KeywordsDisplayNames Property     System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable[string] KeywordsDisplayNames {get;}                                                       
Level                Property     System.Nullable[byte] Level {get;}                                                                                               
LevelDisplayName     Property     string LevelDisplayName {get;}                                                                                                   
LogName              Property     string LogName {get;}                                                                                                            
MachineName          Property     string MachineName {get;}                                                                                                        
ProcessId            Property     System.Nullable[int] ProcessId {get;}                                                                                            
Properties           Property     System.Collections.Generic.IList[System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventProperty] Properties {get;}                             
ProviderName         Property     string ProviderName {get;}                                                                                                       
RecordId             Property     System.Nullable[long] RecordId {get;}                                                                                            
RelatedActivityId    Property     System.Nullable[guid] RelatedActivityId {get;}                                                                                   
Task                 Property     System.Nullable[int] Task {get;}                                                                                                 
TaskDisplayName      Property     string TaskDisplayName {get;}                                                                                                    
ThreadId             Property     System.Nullable[int] ThreadId {get;}                                                                                             
TimeCreated          Property     System.Nullable[datetime] TimeCreated {get;}                                                                                     

事件日志将详细信息存储在 Message 属性中,您可以从那里 select 。

(Get-WinEvent -LogName 'Microsoft-Windows-NetworkProfile/Operational').Message | 
Select-Object -First 1
# Results
Network State Change Fired
    New Internet Connection Profile: false
    Connection Cost Changed: false
    Domain Connectivity Level Changed: false
    Network Connectivity Level Changed: false
    Host Name Changed: true
    Wwan Registration State Changed: false
    Tethering Operational State Changed: false
    Tethering Client Count Changed: false

您可以使用 hash 表过滤您的 ID

Get-WinEvent -FilterHashTable @{ 
    LogName   = 'Microsoft-Windows-NetworkProfile/Operational'
    ID        = 10000 

# Results
TimeCreated                      Id LevelDisplayName Message                                                                                                       
-----------                      -- ---------------- -------                                                                                                       
09-Jul-20 08:54:18            10000 Information      Network Connected...                                                                                          
09-Jul-20 08:54:14            10000 Information      Network Connected...                                                                                          
09-Jul-20 08:54:08            10000 Information      Network Connected... 

然后就是将该消息解析为您选择的格式的问题。 或者按原样询问整个消息

(Get-WinEvent -FilterHashTable @{ 
    LogName   = 'Microsoft-Windows-NetworkProfile/Operational'
    ID        = 10000 


(Get-WinEvent -FilterHashTable @{ 
    LogName   = 'Microsoft-Windows-NetworkProfile/Operational'
    ID        = 10000 
}) | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Message



正如 LeeDaily 指出的那样,在 TaskScheduler 中设置它可能会更好。 如果您在 EventViewer 中进行了直接过滤器配置,您会得到类似的东西。

  <Query Id="0" Path="Microsoft-Windows-NetworkProfile/Operational">
    <Select Path="Microsoft-Windows-NetworkProfile/Operational">*[System[(Level=1  or Level=2 or Level=3 or Level=4 or Level=0 or Level=5) and (EventID=10000)]]</Select>

所以,你可以看到你可以原生返回的限制,然后具体说,如果你想要更多,你必须挖掘 Message Property 的值。 更深入地查看提供的链接中的 XML 信息,当你最终得到如下代码时,所有可能的 output。

# Collect the filtered events          
$Events = Get-WinEvent -FilterHashTable @{
    LogName   = 'Microsoft-Windows-NetworkProfile/Operational'
    ID        = 10000 
} -MaxEvents 1            
# Parse out the event message data            
ForEach ($Event in $Events) 
    # Convert the event to XML            
    $eventXML = [xml]$Event.ToXml()  
    # Iterate through each one of the XML message properties            
    For ($i=0; $i -lt $eventXML.Event.EventData.Data.Count; $i++) 
        # Append these as object properties            
        $AddMemberSplat = @{
            InputObject = $Event 
            MemberType  = 'NoteProperty'
            Force       = $true
            Name        = $eventXML.Event.EventData.Data[$i].Name 
            Value       = $eventXML.Event.EventData.Data[$i].'#text'
        Add-Member @AddMemberSplat           
# View the results   
$Events | Select-Object * | Format-List 


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