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如何在不刷新页面的情况下在 php function 中传递来自 url 的 id?

[英]How to pass the id from url in php function without refreshing the page?

我有一个包含一个按钮的 div(预订它)。当我按下按钮时,我想将我点击的项目的 id 添加到当前 url。然后让该 id 弹出一个带有点击项目数据的框而不刷新页面,因为我需要在当前页面弹出。


 <div class="treatments">
          global $treatments;
          foreach($treatments as $treatment){
            echo ' <li><a href="treatments.php?treatmentID='.$treatment['id'].' #treatmentItem" style="color: inherit; text-decoration:none;">'.$treatment['name'].'</a></li>';
        <div class="line"></div>
<div class="treatment-items">
         global $iController;
            $items = $iController->getItemByTreatmentId($_GET['treatmentID']); 
            $items = $iController->getItemByTreatmentId(4); 
         foreach($items as $item){
           echo '
           <div class="col-30 items">
              <img src="'.$item['img_url'].'" alt="'.$item['name'].'" />
              <p>'.$item['time'].' min</p>
              <input type="hidden" id="hidden_input" name="id_item" value="'.$item['id'].'">
              <a class="bookBtn" id="btn"><button>BOOK IT</button></a>   // when I press this button I want that box to pop up 


 <div class="bookDetails">
        <div class="details">
          global $iController;
            $itemm = $iController->getItemById($_GET['id_item']); 
            <h1>Book your treatment</h1>
            <p>Treatment Name : '.$itemm['name'].'</p>
            <p>Treatment Time :'.$itemm['time'].' </p>
            <p>Treatment Price : '.$itemm['price'].'</p>
              <form action="" method="POST">
              <label for="date">Choose your date:</label>
              <input type="date" for="date" name="date"><br>
              <input type="submit" value="Cancel" id="cancel">
              <input type="submit" value="Book Now">



getItemById function

 public function getItemById($id){
        $sql="SELECT * FROM treatments_item WHERE id=$id";
        echo $id;
        $items = mysqli_query($this->connection,$sql);
        $returnArray = array();
            while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($items)){
                array_push($returnArray, $row);
            return $returnArray[0];

            echo'It doesn't work';

您可以像这样使用 ajax 或混合 php 和 javascript :

  $(document).ready(function() {
    <?php session_start(); ?>//Remove session_start
    if (!<?php $_GET(['id'])?'true':'false'; ?>) {
      alert something
    } else {
      something ..


希望这会有所帮助。 :)

<div class="treatment-items">
    global $iController;
        $items = $iController->getItemByTreatmentId($_GET['treatmentID']); 
        $items = $iController->getItemByTreatmentId(4); 
    foreach($items as $item){
        echo '
        <div class="col-30 items">
        <img src="'.$item['img_url'].'" alt="'.$item['name'].'" />
        <p>'.$item['time'].' min</p>
        <input type="hidden" class="id_item" value="'.$item['id'].'">
        <div class="bookBtn"><button>BOOK IT</button></div>   // when I press this button I want that box to pop up 
注意:切勿在一个页面中使用 id 同名,即 id="hidden_input" // 在 for 循环中会生成同名。 它将产生错误。 输入名称也是如此,而是使用 class。
 $(document).ready(function(){ $('body').on('click','.bookBtn',function(){ var treatmentID = $(this).siblings('.id_item').val(); // $(this) --> it will read the data of the property you have clicked //.siblings --> adjacent class with name ('.id_item') $.ajax({ url: 'treatments.php', type: "get", //send it through get method data: { treatmentID: treatmentID }, success: function(response) { //operation to show the data in div //eg, $('#divId').html(data.name); $(".bookDetails").show(); } }); }) })


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