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运行时 c# 中的动态转换

[英]Dynamic cast in c# in runtime


  static void Main(string[] args)

        object m = (??????)"salam";

public class A
    public string name { set; get; }
    public static implicit operator A(string _name)
        A aa = new A();
        aa.name = _name;
        return aa;
public class B
    public string family { set; get; }
    public static implicit operator B(string _family)
        B bb = new B();
        bb.family = _family;
        return bb;


object m = (??????)"salam";

是否有任何解决方案可以将我的 class 名称作为字符串传递来转换我的值。例如在运行时我需要将“salam”转换为A或者B

static 演员像这样工作得很好

 object m = (A)salam";
 object m = (B)"salam";


Type x=null;
x can be type of A
x can be type of B

object m = (x)"salam";

您需要使用接口来满足这种需求。 以下代码显示了如何执行此操作。

为了模拟您的情况,我编写了一个基于时间返回AB的方法。 这里的list包含一堆可能是类型AB的对象,具体取决于执行的第二个。 在现实世界的场景中,您可以通过其他各种方式获取您的类型。

public class StackOverflowQuestion
    public static void Run()
        List<IBase> list = new List<IBase>();
        string types = "";
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            var randomType = GiveMeARandomIBaseType();
            IBase hello = randomType.Convert("salam");
            types += hello.GetType().Name + ",";

        types = types.Trim(',');
        //sample result : B,B,A,B,A,A,B,A,B,B

    static IBase GiveMeARandomIBaseType() {
        if (DateTime.Now.Second % 2 == 0)
            return new A();
            return new B();

public interface IBase {
    public IBase Convert(string s);
public static class MyExtensions {
    public static T Convert<T>(this string str, IBase b) where T : IBase {
            return (T)b.Convert(str);
        catch (Exception)
            return default;
public class A : IBase
    public IBase Convert(string s) {
        return (A)s;
    public string name { set; get; }

    public static implicit operator A(string _name)
        A aa = new A();
        aa.name = _name;
        return aa;
public class B : IBase

    public IBase Convert(string s)
        return (B)s;
    public string family { set; get; }
    public static implicit operator B(string _family)
        B bb = new B();
        bb.family = _family;
        return bb;

我有一个类似的问题,经过所有的研究和时间,我能够通过以下方式接近预期的结果。 我使用内部方法访问(内部)class,此方法返回所需的转换结果。

第 1 步:在 class

public class A
       public string Name { set; get; }

        public static implicit operator A(string name)
            return new A
                Name = name

        public A GetCasting(object a)
            A i = (A)a;
            return i;

    public class B
        public string Family { set; get; }

        public static implicit operator B(string family)
            return new B
                Family = family
        public B GetCasting(object b)
            B i = (B)b;
            return i;

第 2 步:在 controller 或代码中

    var className = "A";
    var classMethod = "GetCasting";
    var classType = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes().Where(t => t.IsClass && t.Name == className).FirstOrDefault();
    var classInstance = Activator.CreateInstance(classType);
    var castMethod = classType.GetMethod(classMethod);
    var yourObject = "salam";
    var objectData = new object[] { yourObject };
    var resultObject = castMethod.Invoke(classInstance, objectData);


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