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如何在 class 声明之外声明泛型类型

[英]How to declare a generic type outside of class declaration


public class TestController<TSchool>
    where TSchool: IHasStudents, IHasTeachers, IHasAdmin, new()

因为我将创建多个控制器,例如TestController<University>TestController<PrimarySchool> ,这些都很好用。

但是,在我需要使用TSchool的每个新 class 中重新键入<TSchool> where TSchool: IHasStudents, IHasTeachers, IHasAdmin, new()


  1. public interface TSchool: IHasStudents, IHasTeachers, IHasAdmin, new()


  1. public abstract class TSchool: IHasStudents, IHasTeachers, IHasAdmin, new()


有没有办法可以在每个 class 声明之外声明泛型类型?

泛型类型既不是接口也不是抽象 class,它是一个占位符,除了给定的名称之外没有任何意义。 这就是为什么您需要告诉 C# 该占位符究竟实现了什么才能使用其功能,至少是那些通过接口和/或诸如new()之类的特殊事物公开的功能。

您还有很多其他选择,例如 inheritance。 而不是接受泛型类型,而是需要一个基类型。 object始终可用(尽管如果您将 go 提升到该级别,那么懒惰确实赢得了您的项目)。 dynamic也是一种选择。 等等。

尽管我确实想知道为什么您需要能够实例化这么多类型,以至于这首先成为一个问题。 也许依赖注入首先是您整个问题的答案。


public class TestController<TSchool> where TSchool: IHasStudents, IHasTeachers, IHasAdmin, new()
    //don't need to re-declare TSchool, since TSchool is accessable in the nested classes
    public class TestA


    public class TestB



using System;

namespace ConsoleApp1
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //initialize controller
            var testController = new TestController<University>();

            //initialize Tests and pass the reference of the controller
            var testA_1 = new TestController<University>.TestA(testController);
            var testB_1 = new TestController<University>.TestB(testController);

            //initialize the Tests without a reference of the controller
            var testA_2 = new TestController<University>.TestA();
            var testB_2 = new TestController<University>.TestB();

            //use create methods, and maybe additionally hide the public constructors
            var testA_3 = testController.CreateTestA();
            var testB_3 = testController.CreateTestB();

            //use a static TestController class, and call the public constructors
            var testA_4 = new StaticTestController<University>.TestA();
            var testB_4 = new StaticTestController<University>.TestB();

            //use a static TestController class but hide the public constructors and use create methods 
            var testA_5 = StaticTestController<University>.CreateTestA();
            var testB_5 = StaticTestController<University>.CreateTestB();

public class TestController<TSchool> where TSchool : IHasStudents, IHasTeachers, IHasAdmin, new()
    private TSchool _school;

    public TestController()
        _school = new TSchool();
    public class TestA
        public TestA()

        public TestA(TestController<TSchool> controller)
            var school = new TSchool();
            var schoolController = controller._school;
    public class TestB
        public TestB()

        public TestB(TestController<TSchool> controller)
            var school = new TSchool();
            var schoolController = controller._school;
    public TestA CreateTestA()
        return new TestA(this);
    public TestB CreateTestB()
        return new TestB(this);
public static class StaticTestController<TSchool> where TSchool : IHasStudents, IHasTeachers, IHasAdmin, new()
    private static TSchool _school;

    static StaticTestController()
        _school = new TSchool();

    public class TestA
        public TestA()
            var school = new TSchool();
            var schoolController = _school;

    public class TestB
        public TestB()
            var school = new TSchool();
            var schoolController = _school;

    public static TestA CreateTestA()
        return new TestA();
    public static TestB CreateTestB()
        return new TestB();
public class School : IHasAdmin, IHasTeachers, IHasStudents

public class University : IHasAdmin, IHasTeachers, IHasStudents

public interface IHasStudents

public interface IHasTeachers

public interface IHasAdmin



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