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试图让 discord.js-musicbot-addon 工作。 当音乐即将播放时,我收到此错误

[英]Trying to make the discord.js-musicbot-addon work. When music is about to play i get this error

TypeError: Cannot read property 'play' of undefined
at C:\Users\pink\Desktop\IwtdB0t_v.7\node_modules\discord.js-musicbot-addon\index.js:1474:41
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:93:5)

我尝试将每个 discord.js v11 命令更新为 discord.js v12 但从 playStream 更改为播放后仍然出现错误。 有什么想法可能导致这种情况吗?

这似乎是 discord.js-musicbot-addon 库的问题,因此很遗憾您无能为力。


new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  const voiceConnection = client.voice.connections.find(val => val.channel.guild.id == msg.guild.id);

  // This line here is what (I believe) is ultimately causing the error.
  // Collection#find returns undefined, not null, when an item cannot be found.
  // Because this uses strict equality (===), an undefined voiceConnection (e.g.
  // the bot hasn't connected to a voice channel yet) won't trigger this code.
  if (voiceConnection === null) {
    // attempts to connect to the voice channel
    /* ... */
  } else {
    // The promise is resolved with a potentially undefined voiceConnection.
}).then(connection => {
  // retrieves the video to play
  /* ... */

  try {
    /* ... */

    // This line is where the error is. When connection is undefined, it throws
    // the error "Cannot read property 'play' of undefined"
    let dispatcher = connection.play(ytdl(video.url, {
      filter: 'audioonly',
      quality: 'highestaudio'
    }), {
      bitrate: mjusicbot.bitRate,
      volume: (queue.volume / 100)

请注意,discord.js-musicbot-addon 在 NPM 上已弃用,不再受支持。 回购

该项目不再受支持,也不再支持 function。 不要使用这个。


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