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在 terraform object 中使用 output 值

[英]Use output value in terraform object

我有多个 output 变量,我想制作一个父输出变量,然后将其他输出放入其中。 我对其进行了搜索,发现我们可以使用 terraform object ,但无法获得正确的语法。 Output.tf

output "public_subnet" {
  value = "${module.my_vpc.public_subnets_ids}"
output "vpc_id" {
  value = "${module.my_vpc.vpc_id}"
output "private_subnet" {
  value = "${module.my_vpc.private_subnets_ids}"

I want my output to be in a object or you can say parent output variable that have all child output vales, I have come up with few line which I know is not right syntax wise but will get you a picture of what I am thinking of .

output "vpc" {
  value = {
    vpc_id         = "${module.my_vpc.vpc_id}"
    public_subnet  = "${module.my_vpc.public_subnets_ids}"
    private_subnet = "${module.my_vpc.private_subnets_ids}"
  type = object({ vpc_id = string, public_subnet = string, private_subnet = string })

Terraform output没有type 因此,您的vpc应该是:

output "vpc" {
  value = {
    vpc_id         = "${module.my_vpc.vpc_id}"
    public_subnet  = "${module.my_vpc.public_subnets_ids}"
    private_subnet = "${module.my_vpc.private_subnets_ids}"

但问题是子模块无法访问其父模块的输出。 因此,我不确定你想用你的输出实现什么。 通常,您可以使用variable将变量从父级传递给子级,然后您可以从子模块中的这些变量中生成新的 output。



module "my_vpc" {
  source            = "./modules/vpc"
  vpc_cidr          = var.vpc_cidr
  public_subnet     = var.public_subnet
  private_subnet    = var.private_subnet
  availability_zone = data.aws_availability_zones.azs.names

因此,您必须有一个文件夹./modules/vpc 在文件夹中,可能有一个名为./modules/vpc/vpc.tf的文件。 该文件将包含类似的内容(变量也可以在单独的文件中):

variable "vpc_cidr" {}

variable "public_subnet" {}

variable "private_subnet" {}

variable "availability_zone" {}

# the rest of the VPC definition. Since the file is not given,
# i can only speculate on the exact details of the content

resource "aws_subnet" "public" {

  count  = length(var.public_subnet)

  vpc_id = aws_vpc.my_vpc.id

  # other attributes

resource "aws_subnet" "private" {

  count  = length(var.private_subnet)

  vpc_id = aws_vpc.my_vpc.id

  # other attributes


output "vpc" {
  value = {
    vpc_id         = my_vpc.vpc_id
    public_subnet  = aws_subnet.public.*.id
    private_subnet = aws_subnet.private.*.id


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