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[英]How to determine if a String is not a part of an array and count occurrences?

我有一个程序可以接收一系列商品和价格以及客户数量以及购买了哪些/多少可用商品。 我能够计算出输入,但我想知道如何为所有客户打印哪些商品根本没有购买,以及每件商品购买了多少。


    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);

        // Integer count of number of items in the store
        int count = scan.nextInt();

        // Create an array to store names and prices of each item
        String[] itemName = new String[count];
        double[] itemPrice = new double[count];

        for (int i=0; i<count; i++) {
            // Scan name of each item and price
            itemName[i] = scan.next();
            itemPrice[i] = scan.nextDouble();

        // Integer count for the number of customers
        int numCustomers = scan.nextInt();
        String[] nameF = new String[numCustomers];
        String[] nameL = new String[numCustomers];
        double[] costs = new double[numCustomers];

        for (int j=0; j<numCustomers; j++) {
            // First and last name of each customer
            nameF[j] = scan.next();
            nameL[j] = scan.next();

            //Number of items bought
            int numItems = scan.nextInt();
            String[] customerItems = new String[numItems];

            for (int k=0; k<numItems; k++) {
                // For each number of items bought, name and quantity
                int numItemBought = scan.nextInt();
                String nameOfItem = scan.next();

                for (int i=0; i<count; i++) {
                    if (nameOfItem != itemName[i]) {
                        String msg = "No one bought " + nameOfItem;


您可以创建两个HashMap来存储某件商品的购买次数和购买人数,并在每次迭代时创建一个HashSet ,这样即使是同一个人,购买商品的人数也是正确的购买了多个相同的项目。 统计数据应该只在最后打印,在所有购买都已计算在内之后。

final Map < String, Integer > numBought = new HashMap < > ();
final Map < String, Integer > peopleBought = new HashMap < > ();
for (int j = 0; j < numCustomers; j++) {
    // First and last name of each customer
    nameF[j] = scan.next();
    nameL[j] = scan.next();

    // Number of items bought
    final Set < String > vis = new HashSet < > ();
    int numItems = scan.nextInt();
    for (int k = 0; k < numItems; k++) {
        // For each number of items bought, name and quantity
        int numItemBought = scan.nextInt();
        String nameOfItem = scan.next();
        numBought.merge(nameOfItem, numItemBought, Integer::sum); // increase quantity of the item
        if (vis.add(nameOfItem))
            peopleBought.merge(nameOfItem, 1, Integer::sum); // increment number of people who bought this item
for (final String item: itemName) {
    final Integer num = numBought.get(item);
    if (num == null) {
        System.out.println("No one bought " + item);
    } else {
        System.out.println(peopleBought.get(item) + " bought " + num + " " + item);



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