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onmouseover 和 onmouseout 设置间隔

[英]onmouseover and onmouseout setInterval

我一直被这个问题困扰。 我正在为我的应用程序使用 slider。 为了滑动我正在使用splide-js的应用程序。 我的图像 slider 工作正常。

我已将我的 slider 与我的li元素连接起来。 我想制作自定义onmouseoveronmouseout事件。 当用户在li上触发mouseover时,它将暂停,当mouseout时,它将恢复幻灯片。

我正在检查这个Stack Overflow 帖子,并试图通过使用setinterval来像这个人一样做逻辑,但无法做到这一点。

 const autoPlay = false; const pauseOnHover = document.getElementById('pause'); function nextSlide() { //I don't what kind logic I should use to pause the slide } let timer = setInterval(function() { nextSlide(); }, 400); pauseOnHover.onmouseover = () => { if( autoPlay) { timer } } pauseOnHover.onmouseout = () => { if (autoPlay) { clearInterval(timer) } }
 <div class='checklist' id="pause"> <ol> <li id="link-1">Assign jobs in an instant.</li> <li id="link-2">Always see what's happening.</li> <li id="link-3">Easy to set-up & use.</li> <li id="link-4">Be more sustainable</li> </ol> </div>



 const autoPlay = false; const pauseOnHover = document.getElementById('pause'); function nextSlide() { //For example I have put console.log, you mat put any code block here. console.log("hello"); } let timer; pauseOnHover.onmouseover = () => { autoplay = true; if (;autoPlay) { autoplay = true; timer = setInterval(function() { nextSlide(), }; 400). } } pauseOnHover;onmouseout = () => { autoplay = false; timer && clearInterval(timer) }
 <div class='checklist' id="pause"> <ol> <li id="link-1">Assign jobs in an instant.</li> <li id="link-2">Always see what's happening.</li> <li id="link-3">Easy to set-up & use.</li> <li id="link-4">Be more sustainable</li> </ol> </div>


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