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[英]Is it possible to sort an array of object by property of another object?


    group: [
0: {id: "16", name: "P1", courseId: "6", mentorId: "1", chatUrl: false, students: {0: 1, 1: 10, 2: 11},…}
1: {id: "17", name: "C1", courseId: "7", mentorId: "3", chatUrl: false, students: {0: 15, 1: 16, 2: 18},…}
2: {id: "22", name: "P2", courseId: "6", mentorId: "1", chatUrl: false, students: {0: 12, 1: 13, 2: 9},…}
3: {id: "23", name: "C2", courseId: "7", mentorId: "3", chatUrl: false, students: {0: 17, 1: 19, 2: 20},…}
4: {id: "24", name: "DEV", courseId: "10", mentorId: "1", chatUrl: false,…}]. 


mentor: [
0: {id: "0", firstName: "Daniel",  about: false,…}
1: {id: "1", firstName: "Mark",  aboutl:false,…}
2: {id: "3", firstName: "Eric", about: false,…}
3: {id: "6", firstName: "John", about: false,…} ]

这些组通过属性mentorId 与导师相关,因此我必须将组数组中的属性mentorId 与导师数组中的id 进行比较,以获取组的所有导师,然后按这些导师的名字对组进行排序。 这甚至可能吗?


group: [
0: {id: "23", name: "C2", courseId: "7", mentorId: "3", chatUrl: false, students: {0: 17, 1: 19, 2: 20},…}
    1: {id: "17", name: "C1", courseId: "7", mentorId: "3", chatUrl: false, students: {0: 15, 1: 16, 2: 18},…}
    2: {id: "22", name: "P2", courseId: "6", mentorId: "1", chatUrl: false, students: {0: 12, 1: 13, 2: 9},…}
    3: {id: "16", name: "P1", courseId: "6", mentorId: "1", chatUrl: false, students: {0: 1, 1: 10, 2: 11},…}
    4: {id: "24", name: "DEV", courseId: "10", mentorId: "1", chatUrl: false,…}

您可以首先按 firstName 属性对导师数组进行排序,然后创建一个对象,其中键是 id,值是该对象在排序数组中的索引。 然后,您可以对组数组使用sort方法, mentorId order 对象中的mentorId属性值进行排序。

 const groups = [{"id":"16","name":"P1","courseId":"6","mentorId":"1","chatUrl":false,"students":{"0":1,"1":10,"2":11}},{"id":"17","name":"C1","courseId":"7","mentorId":"3","chatUrl":false,"students":{"0":15,"1":16,"2":18}},{"id":"22","name":"P2","courseId":"6","mentorId":"1","chatUrl":false,"students":{"0":12,"1":13,"2":9}},{"id":"23","name":"C2","courseId":"7","mentorId":"3","chatUrl":false,"students":{"0":17,"1":19,"2":20}},{"id":"24","name":"DEV","courseId":"10","mentorId":"1","chatUrl":false}] const mentors = [{"id":"0","firstName":"Daniel","about":false},{"id":"1","firstName":"Mark","aboutl":false},{"id":"3","firstName":"Eric","about":false},{"id":"6","firstName":"John","about":false}] mentors.sort((a, b) => a.firstName.localeCompare(b.firstName)) const order = mentors.reduce((r, { id }, i) => (r[id] = i, r), {}) groups.sort((a, b) => order[a.mentorId] - order[b.mentorId]) console.log(groups)

var group= [
     {id: "17", name: "C1", courseId: "7", mentorId: "3", chatUrl: false, students: {0: 15, 1: 16, 2: 18}},
     {id: "16", name: "P1", courseId: "6", mentorId: "1", chatUrl: false, students: {0: 1, 1: 10, 2: 11}},
     {id: "22", name: "P2", courseId: "6", mentorId: "1", chatUrl: false, students: {0: 12, 1: 13, 2: 9}},
     {id: "23", name: "C2", courseId: "7", mentorId: "3", chatUrl: false, students: {0: 17, 1: 19, 2: 20}},
     {id: "24", name: "DEV", courseId: "10", mentorId: "1", chatUrl: false}] 

var mentor=[
    {id: "0", firstName: "Daniel",  about: false},
    {id: "1", firstName: "Mark",  aboutl:false},
    {id: "3", firstName: "Eric", about: false},
    {id: "6", firstName: "John", about: false} 

group = group.sort( (a,b) => {
        if (a.mentorId===mentor[i].id){a.mentorName=mentor[i].firstName}
        if (b.mentorId===mentor[i].id){b.mentorName=mentor[i].firstName}
    if(a.mentorName<b.mentorName){return -1} 
    else if(a.mentorName==b.mentorName){return 0} 
    else{return 1}


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