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对象问题 - 不会映射

[英]Issues with an object- Will not map

每当我运行 React 程序时,都会收到以下错误:

Objects are not valid as a React child (found: object with keys {mappedCats}). If you meant to render a collection of children, use an array instead.
    in choicesList (at App.js:33)

我想要做的是获取 FEATURES 对象,遍历它并为每个类别创建一个 div。 然后遍历该类别的项目以显示每个项目的名称和成本。 我尝试将对象转换为数组,但它似乎不起作用。 最初我尝试将其拆分为多个组件,但我认为我过于雄心勃勃。

Categories 组件只是获取 props 并将它们放入一个 div 和段落中。

如果有人能指出我的错误,我将不胜感激。 谢谢你

import React from 'react'
import Categories from './categories'

const choicesList = (props) => {

  const FEATURES = {
    Processor: [
        name: '17th Generation Intel Core HB (7 Core with donut spare)',
        cost: 700
        name: 'Professor X AMD Fire Breather with sidewinder technology',
        cost: 1200
    "Operating System": [
        name: 'Ubuntu Linux 16.04',
        cost: 200
        name: 'Bodhi Linux',
        cost: 300
    "Video Card": [
        name: 'Toyota Corolla 1.5v',
        cost: 1150.98
        name: 'Mind mild breeze 2000',
        cost: 1345
    Display: [
        name: '15.6" UHD (3840 x 2160) 60Hz Bright Lights and Knobs',
        cost: 1500
        name: '15.3" HGTV (3840 x 2160) Home makeover edition',
        cost: 1400
    const mappedCats = Object.keys(FEATURES).map((cat) => {
          return (

              {Object.keys(FEATURES[cat]).map((item, idx) => {
                return (
                  <Categories  name={FEATURES[cat][idx].name} cost={FEATURES[cat][idx].cost}/>


export default choicesList

由于 React 组件必须渲染单个根元素,因此您需要将其包装在片段或元素中:

return (
  <>{ mappedCats }</>

作为原始 js(未包含在标记中),您的渲染方法正在返回一个对象文字:

// this is shorthand for { mappedCats: mappedCats }
return { mappedCats };

mappedCats本身是一个有效的元素。 只需返回

return mappedCats

 const ChoicesList = (props) => { const FEATURES = { Processor: [ { name: "17th Generation Intel Core HB (7 Core with donut spare)", cost: 700, }, { name: "Professor X AMD Fire Breather with sidewinder technology", cost: 1200, }, ], "Operating System": [ { name: "Ubuntu Linux 16.04", cost: 200, }, { name: "Bodhi Linux", cost: 300, }, ], "Video Card": [ { name: "Toyota Corolla 1.5v", cost: 1150.98, }, { name: "Mind mild breeze 2000", cost: 1345, }, ], Display: [ { name: '15.6" UHD (3840 x 2160) 60Hz Bright Lights and Knobs', cost: 1500, }, { name: '15.3" HGTV (3840 x 2160) Home makeover edition', cost: 1400, }, ], }; const mappedCats = Object.keys(FEATURES).map((cat) => { return ( <div> <h1>{cat}</h1> {Object.keys(FEATURES[cat]).map((item, idx) => { return ( <div> {`name: ${FEATURES[cat][idx].name}`} <br></br> {`cost: ${FEATURES[cat][idx].cost}`} </div> ); })} </div> ); }); return mappedCats; //return (<div>{ mappedCats }</div>); }; const domContainer = document.querySelector('#app'); ReactDOM.render(<ChoicesList />, domContainer);
 <script crossorigin src="https://unpkg.com/react@16/umd/react.production.min.js"></script> <script crossorigin src="https://unpkg.com/react-dom@16/umd/react-dom.production.min.js"></script> <div id="app"> </div>


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