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如何在滚动时到达不同的 div 元素后更改导航图像

[英]How to change a nav image once it reaches different div elements when scrolling

我在导航中有一个图像(我们称之为 pic1),一旦我到达页面内容 div 的顶部,它需要更改为 pic2,但是当我到达页脚时,它需要更改回 pic 1 并重复,所以如果我向上滚动到页面内容,它将再次转到图 2,等等。


var scrollContent = $("#content").offset().top;
var scrollHero = $("#hero").offset().top;

var scrollPos = $(document).scrollTop();

if (scrollPos > scrollContent) {
        "background-image": "url('')"
}  else if(scrollPos < scrollContent) {
        "background-image": "url('')"


您尝试使用的 jQyery 代码存在一些问题:

1.您只是在页面加载时检查滚动位置 - 您需要不断检查滚动事件内部:

$(window).on('scroll', function( /* handler function */));

2.您正在尝试通过 CSS 更改图像,但图像未使用 CSS 显示。 相反,您可以像这样更改img元素的src

$(".image-test img").attr("src", imgUrl);

3.您没有检查页面内容元素的底部(替换图像要换回的位置)。 你可以这样得到它:

var contentTop = $(".page-content").offset().top;
var contentBottom = contentTop + $(".page-content").outerHeight(true);


if ( ($(this).scrollTop() > contentTop) && ($(this).scrollTop() < contentBottom)) 



// get the URL of the image so we can use it to swap back
defaultImgUrl =  $(".image-test img").attr("src");

// check the scroll position on the scroll event
$(window).on('scroll', function() {

  // get the top and bottom positions pf the page content
  var contentTop = $(".page-content").offset().top;
  var contentBottom = contentTop + $(".page-content").outerHeight(true);

  // check if the scroll position is within the page content 
  if (($(this).scrollTop() > contentTop) && ($(this).scrollTop() < contentBottom)) {
    // change the image url
    $(".image-test img").attr("src", "https://lorempixel.com/output/nature-q-c-100-50-2.jpg");
  } else {
    $(".image-test img").attr("src", defaultImgUrl);


 // get the URL of the image so we can use it to swap back defaultImgUrl = $(".image-test img").attr("src"); // check the scroll position on the scroll event $(window).on('scroll', function() { // get the top and bottom positions pf the page content var contentTop = $(".page-content").offset().top; var contentBottom = contentTop + $(".page-content").outerHeight(true); // check if the scroll position is within the page content if (($(this).scrollTop() > contentTop) && ($(this).scrollTop() < contentBottom)) { // change the image url $(".image-test img").attr("src", "https://lorempixel.com/output/nature-qc-100-50-2.jpg"); } else { $(".image-test img").attr("src", defaultImgUrl); } });
 .section1, .section2, .page-content { height: 100vh; } .section1 { background-color: green; padding-top: 50px; } .section2 { background-color: red; } nav { height: 50px; background-color: grey; position: fixed; width: 100%; display: flex; } .image-test img { width: 100px; height: 50px; }
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <nav> <div class="image-test"> <img src="https://lorempixel.com/output/nature-qc-100-50-5.jpg" alt=""> </div> <div> <p>Change me to a different picture once I reach the top of page content. Then change me back to the same picture as the one I had in the hero once I reach the footer.</p> </div> </nav> <div class="section1" id="hero"> <h1>Hero</h1> </div> <div class="page-content"> <h1>Page Content</h1> </div> <div class="section2"> <h1>Footer</h1> </div>


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