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[英]How to define a generic type in function calling rather than function defining

我有一个函数function react_forward_ref<P, T>(fn: (props: P, ref: T) => any) { return fn }其中PT无关。

现在我想使用它并使其返回值中的P and T具有某种关系,例如T = Parameters<typeof OBJ[P]>[0] ,所以我写:

const OBJ = {
    a: (_: number) => _,
    b: (_: string) => _,
    c: (_: object) => _,
const MyCom = (<P extends keyof typeof OBJ>() => {
    return react_forward_ref<P, Parameters<typeof OBJ[P]>[0]>((props, ref) => null)


const MyCom = function<P extends keyof typeof OBJ>(props: P, ref: Parameters<typeof OBJ[P]>[0]) { return null }


const MyCom = function(props: keyof typeof OBJ, ref: Parameters<typeof OBJ[keyof typeof OBJ]>[0]) { return null }



const OBJ = {
    a: (_: number) => _,
    b: (_: string) => _,
    c: (_: object) => _,

function react_forward_ref<P, T>(fn: (props: P, ref: T) => any) { return fn }

const MyCom = (<T extends keyof typeof OBJ>() => {
    return react_forward_ref<T, Parameters<typeof OBJ[T]>[0]>((props, ref) => null)
// ts works wrong here
let a = MyCom('a', 'this should must be a number, but ts tells me it can be a string');

// ts works right here
const MyCom0 = <T extends keyof typeof OBJ>(props: T, ref: Parameters<typeof OBJ[T]>[0]) => { }
MyCom0('a', 'ts tells me it must be a number')

如果您向 MyCom 提供显式类型,它会按预期工作

// does not compile
let a = MyCom<'a'>()('a', 'this should must be a number, but ts tells me it can be a string')()


我有一个函数OriginMyCom需要包装在react_forward_ref ,它需要将两个泛型类型声明绑定在一起。



const OBJ = {
  a: (_: number) => _,
  b: (_: string) => _,
  c: (_: object) => _,

function react_forward_ref<P, T>(fn: (props: P, ref: T) => any) { return fn }

const OriginMyCom = <P extends keyof typeof OBJ>(p: P, ref: (typeof OBJ)[P]) => null;

const ForwardedMyCom = react_forward_ref(OriginMyCom);

那是因为Generic Type 是 generic 有点像let a = 123; 其中generic typeareal type123 这就像left value and right value 我们必须注意到它。



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