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[英]C++ how to use std::adjacent and std::count_if together, to count the number of occurrences of a condition in a vector

在 C++ 中,我有一个类成员函数,它采用对象向量。

从每两个连续的对象中,我创建一个 std::pair<unsigned, unsigned> (Level1, Level2)。

我想要做的是计算向量中 A 的对大于 B 的次数。

我试图用 std::count_if 来做到这一点,但它不接受谓词中的 2 个参数。

所以我开始不使用 std::adjacent_find。

我如何扩展我必须实际计算 A 对大于 B 的次数?

int mv::class::countOccurances(std::vector<OpListIterator>& sortedops)
    std::adjacent_find(sortedops.begin(), sortedops.end(), 

    [](opListIterator a, opListIterator b){
        std::pair<unsigned,unsigned> A (a->get<unsigned>("Level1"),a->get<unsigned>("Level2"));
        std::pair<unsigned,unsigned> B (b->get<unsigned>("Level1"),b->get<unsigned>("Level2"));

        return A > B;


int mv::class::countOccurances(const std::vector<OpListIterator>& sortedops)
    std::count_if(sortedops.begin(), sortedops.end(), 

    [](const opListIterator& a, const opListIterator& b){
        std::pair<unsigned,unsigned> A (a->get<unsigned>("Level1"),a->get<unsigned>("Level2"));
        std::pair<unsigned,unsigned> B (b->get<unsigned>("Level1"),b->get<unsigned>("Level2"));

        return ( A.first == B.first ? A.second < B.second : A.first < B.first); 


std::pair<unsigned, unsigned> projection(opListIterator it)
    return { it->get<unsigned>("Level1"), it->get<unsigned>("Level2")};


int count = 0;
std::adjacent_find(sortedops.begin(), sortedops.end(), 
                  [&](opListIterator current, opListIterator next) {
        count += projection(current) > projection(next);
        return false; // never considered as equal
return count;


int count = 0;
auto it = sortedops.begin();
while (it != sortedops.end()) {
    it = std::adjacent_find(it, sortedops.end(), 
                            [&](opListIterator current, opListIterator next) {
        return projection(current) > projection(next);
    if (it != sortedops.end()) { ++count; ++it; }
return count;

对于std::count_if ,范围(ranges-v3 或 C++20)可能有帮助:

auto range = ranges::view::zip(sortedops, sortedops | ranges::view::drop(1)); // current/next pairs
return std::count_if(begin(range), end(range), [](const auto& p){
        return projection(p.first) > projection(p.second);


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