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c#Powershell。 使用RunspaceConfiguration.Create配置运行空间

[英]c# Powershell. Configure runspace using RunspaceConfiguration.Create

我试图找出如何使用RunspaceConfiguration.Create()方法调用。 我想通过确保所有Cmdlet,Providers等都可用的方式来设置c#主机,以使其能够从c#执行任何可能的powershell脚本。 查看powershell示例(示例5),它具有以下内容。

RunspaceConfiguration config = RunspaceConfiguration.Create("SampleConsole.psc1", out warnings);

.psc1是如何创建的,或从哪里检索的。 任何帮助,将不胜感激。


var _currentRunspace = RunspaceFactory.CreateRunspace(this);

/* XXX: We need to enable dot-sourcing - unfortunately there is no 
 * way in code to just enable it in our host, it always goes out to
 * the system-wide settings. So instead, we're installing our own
 * dummy Auth manager. And since PSh makes us reimplement a ton of
 * code to make a custom RunspaceConfiguration that can't even properly 
 * be done because we only have the public interface, I'm using 
 * Reflection to hack in the AuthManager into a private field. 
 * This will most likely come back to haunt me. */

var t = typeof(RunspaceConfiguration);
var f = t.GetField("_authorizationManager", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
f.SetValue(_currentRunspace.RunspaceConfiguration, new DummyAuthorizationManager());

return _currentRunspace;

public class DummyAuthorizationManager : AuthorizationManager
    const string constshellId = "Microsoft.PowerShell";
    public DummyAuthorizationManager() : this (constshellId) {}
    public DummyAuthorizationManager(string shellId) : base(shellId) {}

    protected override bool ShouldRun(CommandInfo commandInfo, CommandOrigin origin, PSHost host, out Exception reason)
        // Looks good to me!
        reason = null;
        return true;

可以使用Export-Console cmdlet创建.psc1文件。 通常,您将使用所需的管理单元设置控制台环境,然后导出其配置。



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