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JavaScript 对象动态检索值

[英]JavaScript Object retrieve value dynamically


我有以下 JavaScript 对象:

data = {
    "Max" : 100


data = {
    "January": {"Max" : 100}


这让我想知道是否可以在编写要检索的值时直接在[]编写条件表达式? JavaScript 中允许以下表达式吗? 像这样的东西:

data[monthly ? 'month' : '']

当然我试过了,还是不行。 但是还有另一种方法可以在一行中做这样的事情吗? monthly是一个布尔值


 var data1 = { "Max" : 100 } var data2 = { "January": {"Max" : 100} } // storing the months in an array to loop over and see if the current key is a month var months = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"]; function getMax(data) { // if the key `Max` exists in data then just get the value of `data.Max` else loop over the months, and see if one of the months is a key and stores a truthy value, in this case it stores an object, so that's what we want and then get it's .Max value return "Max" in data ? data.Max : data[months.filter(m => data[m] ? m : "")[0]].Max; } console.log(getMax(data1)); console.log(getMax(data2));


 let data = { "Max": 100 }; const getMax = (data) => { //check if "Max" is available in the `data`, if so return `data.Max` else //get values of the keys in the object using `Object.values` and //retreive `Max` from the array return data.Max ? data.Max : Object.values(data)[0].Max } console.log(getMax(data)); data = { "January": { "Max": 200 } } console.log(getMax(data));

还有另一种使用Array.findOptional Chaining实现这一点的方法。

 let data = { Max: 100, }; const getMax = (data = {}) => { return data.Max ? data.Max : Object.values(data).find(({ Max }) => Max)?.Max; }; console.log(getMax(data)); data = { January: { Max: 200 }, }; console.log(getMax(data));


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