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[英]MYSQL get First (MIN) and Last (MAX) order records grouped by user

我有一个 mysql 表,它存储所有客户订单如下(简化为问题):

| Field    | Type          | Null | 
| id (pk)  | int(10)       | NO   |
| cust_id  | int(10)       | NO   |
| total    | decimal(10,2) | NO   |
| created  | datetime)     | NO   |



| cust_id  | first_ord_total  | first_ord_date| last_ord_total   | last_ord_date |
| 123      | 150.48           | 2018-03-01    | 742.25           | 2020-05-19    |
| 456      | 20.99            | 2019-08-01    | 67.22            | 2020-09-17    | 
| 789      | 259.99           | 2019-01-01    | 147.15           | 2020-08-31    | 

我似乎能够使用 MIN 和 MAX 获取第一个和最后一个订单日期,但我无法将其链接回以提供来自同一订单/记录的订单总数


在 MySQL 8+ 上, ROW_NUMBER在这里派上用场:

WITH cte AS (
    SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY cust_id ORDER BY created) rn_first,
              ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY cust_id ORDER BY created DESC) rn_last
    FROM orders

    MAX(CASE WHEN rn_first = 1 THEN total END)   AS first_ord_total,
    MAX(CASE WHEN rn_first = 1 THEN created END) AS first_ord_date,
    MAX(CASE WHEN rn_last = 1  THEN total END)   AS last_ord_total,
    MAX(CASE WHEN rn_last = 1  THEN created END) AS last_ord_date
FROM cte

这里的策略是对每个客户使用ROW_NUMBER来标识 CTE 中的第一个和最后一个交易记录。 然后,我们按客户汇总以查找第一个和最后一个总金额和日期。

如果您的 MySql 版本支持窗口函数,使用 MIN()、MAX() 和 FIRST_VALUE():

select distinct cust_id,
       first_value(total) over (partition by cust_id order by created) first_order_total,
       min(created) over (partition by cust_id) first_order_date,
       first_value(total) over (partition by cust_id order by created desc) last_order_total,
       max(created) over (partition by cust_id) last_order_date
from customers


select c.cust_id,
       max(case when c.created = t.min_created then c.total end) first_order_total,
       max(case when c.created = t.min_created then c.created end) first_order_date,
       max(case when c.created = t.max_created then c.total end) last_order_total,
       max(case when c.created = t.max_created then c.created end) last_order_date
from customers c 
inner join (
  select cust_id, min(created) min_created, max(created) max_created
  from customers
  group by cust_id  
) t on t.cust_id = c.cust_id and c.created in (t.min_created, t.max_created)
group by c.cust_id


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