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用于将最后一个图像移动到多个图像之间的第一个图像的 Javascript 代码

[英]Javascript code to shift the last image to the first between multiple images

 <html> <body> <div> <img src="cat.jpg" id="cat" onclick="alertfunction()"> <img src="dog.jpg" id="dog" onclick="alertfunction()"> <img src="frog.jpg" id="frog" onclick="movefunction()"> <img> </div> </body> <script> function alertfunction() { alert("Don't click me, click the frog"); } function movefunction(){ } </script> </html>

在这里,我需要什么帮助,每当用户单击最后一张图片时,移到第一个。 请帮我。


let cat = document.getElementById("cat");
let frog = document.getElementById("frog");
function moveFunction() {
  if(frog.src == "frog.jpg"){
    frog.src = "cat.jpg";
  else {
    frog.src = "frog.jpg";

您需要搜索的是 Javascript 中的 DOM 操作。 这是一个简单的方法来做你所要求的。 我尽量使它具有解释性。

    <div id="animals">
        <img src="cat.jpg" id="cat">
        <img src="dog.jpg" id="dog">
        <img src="frog.jpg" id="frog">
    // animals variable here is a NodeList which is kind of like Array,
    // but it is not enumerable (you cannot loop over it).
    var animals = document.querySelectorAll('#animals > *');

    // Here we convert it to an actual Array.
    var animalsArray = Array.from(animals);

    // We are going to add click listeners on every single of them.
    animalsArray.forEach(function (animal) {

        // Add an event listener to this img element.

            // The listener should observe click events.

            // The listener will call this function
            // when a click event is triggered.
            function (event) {

                // This is the order number of the clicked animal image.
                // Assuming that you have 3 images on the page, this number
                // will be 0, 1 or 2.
                // 0 marking the image as the first of rest, and 2 marking it
                // as the last of them.
                var positionOfThisAnimal = animalsArray.indexOf(this);

                // animalsArray.length will give you the number of images in
                // the `animalsArray` Array.
                // If the position of the clicked animal image is smaller than
                // the highest it can be (which is `2` for 3 images), it is not
                // the last one, and we will alert the user with a message.
                if (positionOfThisAnimal < animalsArray.length - 1) {
                    alert("Don't click me! Click the frog.");

                    // Because all we have to do for these not-the-last-one
                    // images is to alert the user, we are returning a void
                    // (empty) result here which effectively stops the function
                    // from executing the rest of the lines we have below.

                // Here we are taking the clicked animal image (which is the
                // last one in the list) and we are moving it to the first
                // place in the div with ID "animals".

            // This `false` means the listener should not be marked as passive.
            // Passive listeners are asynchronous, meaning that the browser
            // will *not* wait for your function to complete executing before
            // continuing to wait for other user inputs like mouse moves or
            // keyboard strokes.
            // The browser will wait for active listeners. This has a downside
            // though. If your function takes too long to complete, the user
            // will notice that their browser (or just the current tab) freezes
            // and won't let user interact with the page until the execution
            // is completed.

 const img1 = document.querySelector('#cat'); const img2 = document.querySelector('#dog'); const img3 = document.querySelector('#frog'); const imgUrl = img3.src; img1.addEventListener('click', () => { if(img1.src === imgUrl) { let temp = img1.src; img1.src = img2.src; img2.src = img3.src; img3.src = temp; let temp2 = img1.id; img1.id = img2.id; img2.id = img3.id; img3.id = temp2; } else { alert('Don\\'t click me, click the frog'); }; }); img2.addEventListener('click', () => { alert('Don\\'t click me, click the frog'); }); img3.addEventListener('click', () => { if(img3.src === imgUrl) { let temp = img1.src; img1.src = img3.src; img3.src = img2.src; img2.src = temp; let temp2 = img1.id; img1.id = img3.id; img3.id = img2.id; img2.id = temp2; } else { alert('Don\\'t click me, click the frog'); }; });
 img { width: 300px; height: 300px; }
 <div> <img src="cat.jpg" id="cat"> <img src="dog.jpg" id="dog"> <img src="frog.jpg" id="frog"> </div>

我们可以在 CSS 中使用 flex 和 order 来做到这一点,检查下面的代码,而不是图像,我使用带有颜色的 div。

 .maindiv { display: flex; } #frog { padding: 10px; width: 20px; background: red; } #cat { padding: 10px; width: 20px; background: blue; } #dog { padding: 20px; width: 10px; background: green; }
 <html> <body> <div class="maindiv"> <div id="cat" onclick="alertfunction()">cat</div> <div id="dog" onclick="alertfunction()">dog</div> <div id="frog" onclick="movefunction()">frog</div> </div> </body> <script> function alertfunction() { alert("Don't click me, click the frog"); } function movefunction(){ if (document.getElementById('frog').style.order == '1') { document.getElementById('frog').style.order = '3'; document.getElementById('cat').style.order = '1'; document.getElementById('dog').style.order = '2'; } else { document.getElementById('frog').style.order = '1'; document.getElementById('cat').style.order = '2'; document.getElementById('dog').style.order = '3'; } } </script> </html>


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