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C# 使用 ComboBox 对 ListBox 项目进行排序

[英]C# Sort ListBox items using ComboBox

在这个程序中,我必须在一个目录中显示许多媒体文件(在模拟文本文件中创建),并允许用户选择 ComboBox 项目来过滤 ListBox 中显示的结果。 我设法让它按字母顺序排序,但我不知道如何按数字排序。


我想重新排序 ListBox 的其他 3 种方法是按文件类型、文件大小和上次修改日期。


我希望它跳过第一部分(文件名)并检查其他元素。 我该怎么做?

public partial class MainForm : Form
    //  Declare Lists for each of the following: audio, image, document, video
    List<Audio> audioList = new List<Audio>();
    List<Image> imageList = new List<Image>();
    List<Document> documentList = new List<Document>();
    List<Video> videoList = new List<Video>();

    //  Affiliate class with variable
    Audio currentAudio = new Audio();
    Image currentImage = new Image();
    Document currentDocument = new Document();
    Video currentVideo = new Video();

    //  Declare int variables as 0
    int numAudio = 0;
    int numImage = 0;
    int numDocument = 0;
    int numVideo = 0;
    int numFiles = 0;

    public MainForm()

    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    private void ReadFile()
            StreamReader inputFile; //To read the file
            string line;            //To hold a line from the file

            //Create a delimiter array
            char[] delim = { ',' };

            //Open the Files.txt file
            inputFile = File.OpenText("Files.txt");

            //Read the lines from the file
            while (!inputFile.EndOfStream)
                //Read a line from the file
                line = inputFile.ReadLine();

                //Tokenize the line
                string[] tokens = line.Split(delim);

                //  Check if the first tokenized string contains "Audio"
                if (tokens[0] == "Audio")
                    currentAudio = new Audio();

                    //  Tokenized variables are numbered and parsed
                    currentAudio.Name = tokens[1];
                    currentAudio.Type = tokens[2];
                    currentAudio.Size = tokens[3];
                    currentAudio.LastModification = int.Parse(tokens[4]);
                    currentAudio.Artist = tokens[5];
                    currentAudio.BitRate = int.Parse(tokens[6]);

                    //Add one to the count of the amount of audio files
                    numAudio += 1;
                    //  Add field to created list
                    //  Send the following fields to the targeted ListBox
                    filesListBox.Items.Add(currentAudio.Name + ", " + currentAudio.Type + ", " + currentAudio.Size + ", " + currentAudio.LastModification);
                //  Check if the first tokenized string contains "Media"
                else if (tokens[0] == "Media")
                    //  Check if the first tokenized string contains "Video"
                    if (tokens[1] == "Video")
                        currentVideo = new Video();

                        //  Tokenized variables are numbered and parsed
                        currentVideo.Name = tokens[2];
                        currentVideo.Type = tokens[3];
                        currentVideo.Size = tokens[4];
                        currentVideo.LastModification = int.Parse(tokens[5]);
                        currentVideo.Director = tokens[6];
                        currentVideo.Producer = tokens[7];

                        //Add one to the count of the amount of audio files
                        numVideo += 1;
                        //  Add field to created list
                        //  Send the following fields to the targeted ListBox
                        filesListBox.Items.Add(currentVideo.Name + ", " + currentVideo.Type + ", " + currentVideo.Size + ", " + currentVideo.LastModification);
                    //  Check if the first tokenized string contains "Image"
                    else if (tokens[1] == "Image")
                        currentImage = new Image();

                        //  Tokenized variables are numbered and parsed
                        currentImage.Name = tokens[2];
                        currentImage.Type = tokens[3];
                        currentImage.Size = tokens[4];
                        currentImage.LastModification = int.Parse(tokens[5]);
                        currentImage.Width = decimal.Parse(tokens[6]);
                        currentImage.Height = decimal.Parse(tokens[7]);
                        currentImage.Resolution = tokens[8];

                        //Add one to the count of the amount of audio files
                        numImage += 1;
                        //  Add field to created list
                        //  Send the following fields to the targeted ListBox
                        filesListBox.Items.Add(currentImage.Name + ", " + currentImage.Type + ", " + currentImage.Size + ", " + currentImage.LastModification);
                //  Check if the first tokenized string contains "Document"
                else if (tokens[0] == "Document")
                    currentDocument = new Document();

                    //  Tokenized variables are numbered and parsed
                    currentDocument.Name = tokens[1];
                    currentDocument.Type = tokens[2];
                    currentDocument.Size = tokens[3];
                    currentDocument.LastModification = int.Parse(tokens[4]);
                    currentDocument.NumPages = int.Parse(tokens[5]);
                    currentDocument.NumWords = int.Parse(tokens[6]);
                    currentDocument.DocSubject = tokens[7];

                    //Add one to the count of the amount of audio files
                    numDocument += 1;
                    //  Add field to created list
                    filesListBox.Items.Add(currentDocument.Name + ", " + currentDocument.Type + ", " + currentDocument.Size + ", " + currentDocument.LastModification);
            //  Close file
        catch (Exception ex)
            //Display an error message
    private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //  Call method ReadFile when the form loads

        //  Field numFiles is equivalent to its many attributes
        numFiles = (numAudio + numImage + numDocument + numVideo);
        //  Declare TextBox location for the field numFiles
        numberFilesTextBox.Text = numFiles.ToString();

        //  Add ListBox items for the following string and its field
        numberFilesTypeListBox.Items.Add("Audio: " + numAudio);
        numberFilesTypeListBox.Items.Add("Image: " + numImage);
        numberFilesTypeListBox.Items.Add("Document: " + numDocument);
        numberFilesTypeListBox.Items.Add("Video: " + numVideo);

    private void ReorganizeComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //  if the ComboBox text selected is "File Name" then organize in alphabetical order
        if (reorganizeComboBox.Text == "File Name")
            //  Organize in alphabetical order
            filesListBox.Sorted = true;
        else if (reorganizeComboBox.Text == "File Type")

        else if (reorganizeComboBox.Text == "File Size")

        else if (reorganizeComboBox.Text == "Last Modification Date")


如果有一个包含所有属性的类和一个用于排序选项的Enum ,最小示例:


class FileDescriptor
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Extension { get; set; }
    public long Size { get; set; }
    public DateTime LastModified { get; set; }

    override public string ToString()
        return $"{Name}, {Extension}, {Size}, {LastModified.ToString("yyyyMMd")}";

enum SortEnum

ComboBox有一个SelectedIndexChanged事件, ListBox根据用户选择进行排序:

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // Mockup for testing
    var files = new FileDescriptor[]
        new FileDescriptor()
            Name = "CarShow",
            Extension = "AVI",
            Size = 723,
            LastModified = DateTime.ParseExact("2019094", "yyyyMMd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
        new FileDescriptor()
            Name = "FoodMenu",
            Extension = "PDF",
            Size = 200,
            LastModified = DateTime.ParseExact("20190214", "yyyyMMd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
        new FileDescriptor()
            Name = "MathProblems",
            Extension = "TXT",
            Size = 13,
            LastModified = DateTime.ParseExact("2018053", "yyyyMMd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
    var sortOptions = Enum.GetValues(typeof(SortEnum));

    this.lb_FileDescriptions.DataSource = files;
    this.cb_SortOptions.DataSource = sortOptions;

private void cb_SortOptions_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    var sortOption = (SortEnum)cb_SortOptions.SelectedValue;
    var files = lb_FileDescriptions.Items.Cast<FileDescriptor>();

    switch (sortOption)
        case SortEnum.Name:
            lb_FileDescriptions.DataSource = files.OrderBy(f => f.Name)
        case SortEnum.Extension:
            lb_FileDescriptions.DataSource = files.OrderBy(f => f.Extension)
        case SortEnum.Size:
            lb_FileDescriptions.DataSource = files.OrderBy(f => f.Size)
        case SortEnum.LastModified:
            lb_FileDescriptions.DataSource = files.OrderBy(f => f.LastModified)


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