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[英]How to rotate only part of canvas in javascript?

我有一项任务要玩一点 JavaScript 画布。 我必须使用电影 onclick 旋转蓝色块,正如您在小提琴中看到的那样,它可以工作,但问题是我的名字在电影下方 - 它不应该旋转,而是停留在画布底部的位置(在点击它应该在的地方之前)。 这是小提琴(没有电影,但它显示了问题): https : //jsfiddle.net/463h8se7/

这是我的 JavaScript(它也在小提琴中,但为了清楚起见):

 var video; var canvas; var ctx; var click = 0; function animate() { ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); printName(); ctx.save(); ctx.fillStyle = "#558899"; ctx.fillRect(canvas.width / 4 - 5, canvas.height / 4 - 5, canvas.width / 2 + 10, canvas.height / 2 + 10); ctx.drawImage(video, canvas.width / 4, canvas.height / 4, canvas.width / 2, canvas.height / 2); requestAnimationFrame(animate); } function rotate() { if (click == 0) { click = 1; i = window.setInterval(function () { ctx.translate(canvas.width / 2, canvas.height / 2); ctx.rotate(2 * Math.PI / 180); ctx.translate(-canvas.width / 2, -canvas.height / 2); }, 20); } else { click = 0; window.clearInterval(i); } } function printName() { ctx.fillStyle = "black"; ctx.font = "15px Arial"; ctx.fillText("aceimnors", canvas.width / 3, canvas.height - 1); } function load() { video = document.getElementById("video"); canvas = document.getElementById("canvas"); ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); animate(); }
 <div id="div_canvas"> <canvas id="canvas" onclick="rotate()"></canvas> <p>canvas</p> </div>

我只想把它放在animate ,因为你已经在重绘每个requestAnimationFrame


 var video = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("img")); video.id = "video"; video.addEventListener("load", load); video.style.display = "none"; video.src = "https://www.w3schools.com/tags/img_girl.jpg"; var canvas = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("canvas")); canvas.id = "canvas"; var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); var click = false; var angle = 0; var angleTarget = 0; canvas.addEventListener("click", function () { return angleTarget += .1; }); function animate() { //Compund Angle if (angle < angleTarget) { angle += 0.01; } if (angle > angleTarget) { angle = angleTarget; } //Clear ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); //Text printName(); //Rotate ctx.translate(canvas.width / 2, canvas.height / 2); ctx.rotate(angle * (Math.PI * 2)); ctx.translate(-canvas.width / 2, -canvas.height / 2); //Draw Graphic ctx.fillStyle = "#558899"; ctx.fillRect(canvas.width / 4 - 5, canvas.height / 4 - 5, canvas.width / 2 + 10, canvas.height / 2 + 10); ctx.drawImage(video, canvas.width / 4, canvas.height / 4, canvas.width / 2, canvas.height / 2); requestAnimationFrame(animate); //Rotate back ctx.translate(canvas.width / 2, canvas.height / 2); ctx.rotate(-angle * (Math.PI * 2)); ctx.translate(-canvas.width / 2, -canvas.height / 2); } function printName() { ctx.fillStyle = "black"; ctx.font = "15px Arial"; ctx.fillText("aceimnors", canvas.width / 3, canvas.height - 1); } function load() { video = document.getElementById("video"); canvas = document.getElementById("canvas"); ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); animate(); }

如果您查看我的DrawingBox ,它将让您了解如何旋转。 您可以// magic under here开始阅读代码:

 //<![CDATA[ /* js/external.js */ let get, post,doc, htm, bod, nav, M, I, mobile, beacon, S, Q, hC, aC, rC, tC, inArray, shuffle, isNum, isInt, rand, DrawingBox; addEventListener('load', ()=>{ get = (url, func, responseType = 'json', context = null)=>{ const x = new XMLHttpRequest; const c = context || x; x.open('GET', url); x.responseType = responseType; x.onload = ()=>{ if(func)func.call(c, x.response); } x.onerror = e=>{ if(func)func.call(c, {xhrErrorEvent:e}); } x.send(); return x; } post = function(url, send, func, responseType ='json', context = null){ const x = new XMLHttpRequest; if(typeof send === 'object' && send && !(send instanceof Array)){ const c = context || x; x.open('POST', url); x.responseType = responseType; x.onload = ()=>{ if(func)func.call(c, x.response); } x.onerror = e=>{ if(func)func.call(c, {xhrErrorEvent:e}); } let d; if(send instanceof FormData){ d = send; } else{ let s; d = new FormData; for(let k in send){ s = send[k]; if(typeof s === 'object' && s)s = JSON.stringify(s); d.append(k, s); } } x.send(d); } else{ throw new Error('send argument must be an Object'); } return x; } doc = document; htm = doc.documentElement; bod = doc.body; nav = navigator; M = tag=>doc.createElement(tag); I = id=>doc.getElementById(id); mobile = nav.userAgent.match(/Mobi/i) ? true : false; beacon = function(url, send){ let r = false; if(typeof send === 'object' && send && !(send instanceof Array)){ let d; if(send instanceof FormData){ d = send; } else{ let s; d = new FormData; for(let k in send){ s = send[k]; if(typeof s === 'object' && s)s = JSON.stringify(s); d.append(k, s); } } r = nav.sendBeacon(url, d); } else{ throw new Error('send argument must be an Object'); } return r; } S = (selector, within)=>{ var w = within || doc; return w.querySelector(selector); } Q = (selector, within)=>{ var w = within || doc; return w.querySelectorAll(selector); } hC = function(node, className){ return node.classList.contains(className); } aC = function(){ const a = [...arguments]; a.shift().classList.add(...a); return aC; } rC = function(){ const a = [...arguments]; a.shift().classList.remove(...a); return rC; } tC = function(){ const a = [...arguments]; a.shift().classList.toggle(...a); return tC; } inArray = (mixed, array)=>{ if(array.indexOf(mixed) === -1){ return false; } return true; } shuffle = array=>{ let a = array.slice(), i = a.length, n, h; while(i){ n = Math.floor(Math.random()*i--); h = a[i]; a[i] = a[n]; a[n] = h; } return a; } isNum = mixed=>typeof mixed === 'number' && !isNaN(mixed); isInt = mixed=>Number.isInteger(mixed); rand = (min, max)=>{ let mn = min, mx = max; if(mx === undefined){ mx = mn; mn = 0; } return mn+Math.floor(Math.random()*(mx-mn+1)); } DrawingBox = function(canvas, width = null, height = null){ this.canvas; this.ctx; this.setCanvas = (canvas, width = null, height = null)=>{ canvas.width = width || innerWidth; canvas.height = height || innerHeight; this.canvas = canvas; this.ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); return this; } this.point = (x, y)=>{ const c = this.ctx; c.beginPath(); c.moveTo(x, y); return this; } this.rotate = (x, y, degrees, drawFunc)=>{ const c = this.ctx; c.save(); c.translate(x, y); c.rotate(degrees*Math.PI/180); c.translate(-x, -y); drawFunc(c, x, y); c.restore(); return this; } this.setCanvas(canvas, width, height); } // magic under here const box = new DrawingBox(I('can')), ctx = box.ctx; ctx.fillStyle = '#c00'; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 75); box.rotate(100, 75, 45, (c, x, y)=>{ c.fillStyle = '#00c'; c.fillRect(x, y, 100, 50); }); ctx.strokeStyle = '#0c0'; ctx.strokeRect(100, 75, 35, 82); }); // end load
 /* css/external.css */ *{ box-sizing:border-box; color:#000; padding:0; margin:0; overflow:hidden; } html,body{ width:100%; height:100%; } #can{ background:#fff; }
 <!DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml' xml:lang='en' lang='en'> <head> <meta charset='UTF-8' /><meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, height=device-height, initial-scale:1, user-scalable=no' /> <title>Title Here</title> <link type='text/css' rel='stylesheet' href='css/external.css' /> <script src='js/external.js'></script> </head> <body> <canvas id='can'></canvas> </body> </html>

您会注意到蓝色框已旋转。 DrawingBoxInstance.rotate方法采用 x,y 原点和旋转度数。

不是我在这里向你展示这个,但我会告诉你,创建用户生成的动画或绘图(或游戏)的真正秘密是为每个操作将一个对象推送到一个可以传递回你的绘图的数组上职能。 当然,在重绘之前的状态以创建运动错觉之前,您将使用canvasContext.clearRect(0, 0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight) ing。


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