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Jest Mocked Function 不调用 mocked axios 实例 function(返回未定义)

[英]Jest Mocked Function not calling mocked axios instance function (returns undefined)

我首先遵循这个 StackOverflow 问题中的答案

但是我添加了一个我使用的助手 function,它使用与用户关联的身份验证令牌创建一个新的 Axios 实例。


import axios from "axios";
const mockAxios: jest.Mocked<typeof axios> = jest.createMockFromModule("axios");

// this is the key to fix the axios.create() undefined error!
mockAxios.create = jest.fn(() => {
  return mockAxios;

export const createAuthenticatedInstance = () => {
  return mockAxios.create();
export default mockAxios;

为什么 mockAxios.create() 返回未定义?

虽然定义了 object 'mockAxios'(和创建函数)。 当我实际调用 create 时,尽管声明了 function,它仍返回 undefined。

我知道我可以通过返回 mockAxios 来回避这个问题,但我想了解为什么它首先不起作用。 我期望的是返回一个新实例,它与 mockAxios 相同,但它只是返回未定义的。



src/axios.utils.ts (导出 axios 和函数的实用模块)
 import axios from "axios"; export const createAuthenticatedInstance = (...args: Parameters<typeof axios.create> ) => { return axios.create(...args); }; export default axios;
src/__mocks__/axios.ts (axios 模拟)
 const axios: jest.Mocked<typeof import("axios").default> = jest.createMockFromModule( "axios" ); axios.create.mockReturnThis(); export default axios;
src/api.ts (使用axios.util的 api 实现)

import api from "./api";
import axios, { AxiosResponse } from "axios";


const { get } = axios as jest.Mocked<typeof import("axios").default>;

describe("api", () => {
    it("should have created an axios instance", () => {
        baseURL: "http://example.com:80/main",

src/api.spec.ts (测试)
 import api from "./api"; import axios, { AxiosResponse } from "axios"; jest.mock("axios"); const { get } = axios as jest.Mocked<typeof import("axios").default>; describe("api", () => { it("should have created an axios instance", () => { expect(axios.create).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ baseURL: "http://example.com:80/main", }); }); })



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