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如何将在 ASP.NET MVC 上的搜索结果打印成 pdf?

[英]How to print into a pdf the results of a search on ASP.NET MVC?

我是 ASP.NET MVC 的新手,我正在尝试将两个日期之间的过滤记录打印为 PDF。 我正在使用 ROTATIVA 生成 PDF,问题是 PDF 生成正确,但包含所有记录,而不仅仅是两个日期的记录过滤器结果。


    //this method is for put the list of the records on the view
    public ActionResult SaleList()
        using (inventoryEntitiesDBA dc = new inventoryEntitiesDBA())
            return View(dc.sales.ToList());

    //this method is to filter the records between start and end date
    public ActionResult SaleList(DateTime start, DateTime end)
        bool Status = false;
            using(inventoryEntitiesDBA dc = new inventoryEntitiesDBA())
                 var d = dc.sales.Where(x => x.sale_day >= start && x.sale_day <= end).ToList();
                 Status = true;

                 ViewBag.Status = Status;

                 return View(d);

    //this method is to generate the PDF
    public ActionResult SalesToPdf()
        var report = new ActionAsPdf("SaleList");

        return report;


*更新---> view

@if (ViewBag.Status != null && Convert.ToBoolean(ViewBag.Status))
    //this is for print if the method for filter
    //the dates are called
    <p align="right">
         @Html.ActionLink("Generate PDF", "SalesToPdf2")
    //this is for print if the method for filter the dates are not called
    <p align="right">
         @Html.ActionLink("Generate PDF", "SalesToPdf")

    @using (Html.BeginForm("SaleList", "Sales", FormMethod.Post))
        <span>Start Date </span> <input type="date" name="start" />
        <span> End Date </span><input type="date" name="end" />
        <input type="submit" value="Filter" />

您正在调用不带参数的SalesToPdf操作,这意味着它将始终匹配未过滤的列表。 你可以传递参数到ActionAsPdf重载如图所示,文档在这里


    public ActionResult SalesToPdf(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate)
        var report = new ActionAsPdf("SaleList", new {start=startDate, end=endDate});

        return report;



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