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Jetpack Compose:从 Composable 函数启动 ActivityResultContract 请求

[英]Jetpack Compose: Launch ActivityResultContract request from Composable function

androidx.activity:activity-ktx1.2.0-beta01 androidx.activity:activity-ktx ,不能再launch使用Activity.registerForActivityResult()创建的请求,如上面“行为更改”下的链接中突出显示的那样,并在此处Google 问题中看到

应用程序现在应该如何通过@Composable函数启动这个请求? 以前,应用程序可以通过使用AmbientMainActivity的实例向下传递链,然后轻松启动请求。

例如,可以通过以下方式解决新行为:在 Activity 的onCreate函数之外实例化后,将注册活动结果的类传递到链中,然后在Composable启动请求。 但是,无法通过这种方式注册完成后要执行的回调。

可以通过创建自定义ActivityResultContract来解决这个问题,该自定义ActivityResultContract在启动时接受回调。 但是,这意味着几乎所有内置的ActivityResultContracts都不能与 Jetpack Compose 一起使用。

TL; 博士


androidx.activity:activity-compose:1.3.0-alpha06registerForActivityResult() API 已重命名为rememberLauncherForActivityResult()以更好地指示返回的ActivityResultLauncher是代表您记住的托管对象。

val result = remember { mutableStateOf<Bitmap?>(null) }
val launcher = rememberLauncherForActivityResult(ActivityResultContracts.TakePicturePreview()) {
    result.value = it

Button(onClick = { launcher.launch() }) {
    Text(text = "Take a picture")

result.value?.let { image ->
    Image(image.asImageBitmap(), null, modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth())

Activity Result 有两个 API 界面:

  • 核心ActivityResultRegistry 这才是真正的底层工作。
  • ComponentActivityFragment实现的ActivityResultCaller中的便捷接口,将 Activity Result 请求与 Activity 或 Fragment 的生命周期联系起来

Composable 具有与 Activity 或 Fragment 不同的生命周期(例如,如果您从层次结构中删除 Composable,它应该在其自身之后进行清理),因此使用ActivityResultCaller API(例如registerForActivityResult()永远不是正确的做法。

相反,您应该直接使用ActivityResultRegistry API,直接调用register()unregister() 这最好与rememberUpdatedState()DisposableEffect搭配使用,以创建一个可与 Composable 一起使用的registerForActivityResult版本:

fun <I, O> registerForActivityResult(
    contract: ActivityResultContract<I, O>,
    onResult: (O) -> Unit
) : ActivityResultLauncher<I> {
    // First, find the ActivityResultRegistry by casting the Context
    // (which is actually a ComponentActivity) to ActivityResultRegistryOwner
    val owner = ContextAmbient.current as ActivityResultRegistryOwner
    val activityResultRegistry = owner.activityResultRegistry

    // Keep track of the current onResult listener
    val currentOnResult = rememberUpdatedState(onResult)

    // It doesn't really matter what the key is, just that it is unique
    // and consistent across configuration changes
    val key = rememberSavedInstanceState { UUID.randomUUID().toString() }

    // Since we don't have a reference to the real ActivityResultLauncher
    // until we register(), we build a layer of indirection so we can
    // immediately return an ActivityResultLauncher
    // (this is the same approach that Fragment.registerForActivityResult uses)
    val realLauncher = mutableStateOf<ActivityResultLauncher<I>?>(null)
    val returnedLauncher = remember {
        object : ActivityResultLauncher<I>() {
            override fun launch(input: I, options: ActivityOptionsCompat?) {
                realLauncher.value?.launch(input, options)

            override fun unregister() {

            override fun getContract() = contract

    // DisposableEffect ensures that we only register once
    // and that we unregister when the composable is disposed
    DisposableEffect(activityResultRegistry, key, contract) {
        realLauncher.value = activityResultRegistry.register(key, contract) {
        onDispose {
    return returnedLauncher

然后可以通过代码在您自己的 Composable 中使用它,例如:

val result = remember { mutableStateOf<Bitmap?>(null) }
val launcher = registerForActivityResult(ActivityResultContracts.TakePicturePreview()) {
    // Here we just update the state, but you could imagine
    // pre-processing the result, or updating a MutableSharedFlow that
    // your composable collects
    result.value = it

// Now your onClick listener can call launch()
Button(onClick = { launcher.launch() } ) {
    Text(text = "Take a picture")

// And you can use the result once it becomes available
result.value?.let { image ->
        modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth())

Activity Compose 1.3.0-alpha03及更高版本开始,有一个新的实用函数registerForActivityResult()可以简化此过程。

fun RegisterForActivityResult() {
    val result = remember { mutableStateOf<Bitmap?>(null) }
    val launcher = registerForActivityResult(ActivityResultContracts.TakePicturePreview()) {
        result.value = it

    Button(onClick = { launcher.launch() }) {
        Text(text = "Take a picture")

    result.value?.let { image ->
        Image(image.asImageBitmap(), null, modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth())


对于那些没有通过@ianhanniballake 提供的要点返回结果的人,在我的情况下, returnedLauncher实际上捕获了realLauncher的已经处置的值。



fun <I, O> registerForActivityResult(
    contract: ActivityResultContract<I, O>,
    onResult: (O) -> Unit
): ActivityResultLauncher<I> {
    // First, find the ActivityResultRegistry by casting the Context
    // (which is actually a ComponentActivity) to ActivityResultRegistryOwner
    val owner = AmbientContext.current as ActivityResultRegistryOwner
    val activityResultRegistry = owner.activityResultRegistry

    // Keep track of the current onResult listener
    val currentOnResult = rememberUpdatedState(onResult)

    // It doesn't really matter what the key is, just that it is unique
    // and consistent across configuration changes
    val key = rememberSavedInstanceState { UUID.randomUUID().toString() }

    // TODO a working layer of indirection would be great
    val realLauncher = remember<ActivityResultLauncher<I>> {
        activityResultRegistry.register(key, contract) {

    onDispose {
    return realLauncher

添加以防万一有人开始新的外部意图。 就我而言,我想在单击 jetpack compose 中的按钮时启动谷歌登录提示。


val startForResult =
    rememberLauncherForActivityResult(ActivityResultContracts.StartActivityForResult()) { result: ActivityResult ->
        if (result.resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) {
            val intent = result.data
            //do something here


        onClick = {
            //important step
        modifier = Modifier
            .padding(start = 16.dp, end = 16.dp),
        shape = RoundedCornerShape(6.dp),
        colors = ButtonDefaults.buttonColors(
            backgroundColor = Color.Black,
            contentColor = Color.White
    ) {
            painter = painterResource(id = R.drawable.ic_logo_google),
            contentDescription = ""
        Text(text = "Sign in with Google", modifier = Modifier.padding(6.dp))



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