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[英]How to prevent an application from terminating before the completion of all fire-and-forget tasks?

我有一个定期启动即发即忘任务的应用程序,主要用于日志记录,我的问题是当应用程序关闭时,任何当前正在运行的即发即忘任务都会中止。 我想防止这种情况发生,所以我正在寻找一种机制,让我在关闭我的应用程序之前await所有正在运行的即发即弃操作完成。 我不想处理他们可能的异常,我不在乎这些。 我只是想让他们有机会完成(可能会超时,但这不是问题的一部分)。


  1. 这些任务在本地是即发即忘的,因为启动它们的方法对它们的结果不感兴趣。
  2. 这些任务不是全局性的,因为应用程序作为一个整体关心它们。


static class Program
    static async Task Main(string[] args)
        _ = Log("Starting"); // fire and forget
        await Task.Delay(1000); // Simulate the main asynchronous workload
        _ = Log("Finished"); // fire and forget

        // Here any pending fire and forget operations should be awaited somehow

    private static void CleanUp()
        _ = Log("CleanUp started"); // fire and forget
        Thread.Sleep(200); // Simulate some synchronous operation
        _ = Log("CleanUp completed"); // fire and forget

    private static async Task Log(string message)
        await Task.Delay(100); // Simulate an async I/O operation required for logging
        Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now:HH:mm:ss.fff} {message}");


11:14:11.441 Starting
11:14:12.484 CleanUp started
Press any key to continue . . .

"CleanUp completed""Finished"条目不会被记录,因为应用程序过早终止,并且挂起的任务被中止。 有什么办法可以在关闭之前等待他们完成吗?

顺便说一句,这个问题的灵感来自@SHAFEESPS 最近提出的一个问题,遗憾的是该问题因不清楚而关闭。

说明:上面提供的最小示例包含单一类型的即发即忘操作,即Task Log方法。 现实世界应用程序启动的即发即弃操作是多种且异构的。 有些甚至返回通用任务,如Task<string>Task<int>


也许像一个等待退出的柜台之类的东西? 这仍然会很容易忘记。

我只将LogAsync移动到它自己的方法,因为每次调用 Log 时都不需要丢弃。 我想它还可以处理如果在程序退出时调用 Log 时会发生的微小竞争条件。

public class Program
    static async Task Main(string[] args)
        Log("Starting"); // fire and forget
        await Task.Delay(1000); // Simulate the main asynchronous workload
        Log("Finished"); // fire and forget

        // Here any pending fire and forget operations should be awaited somehow
        var spin = new SpinWait();

        while (_backgroundTasks > 0)

    private static void CleanUp()
        Log("CleanUp started"); // fire and forget
        Thread.Sleep(200); // Simulate some synchronous operation
        Log("CleanUp completed"); // fire and forget

    private static int _backgroundTasks;

    private static void Log(string message)
        Interlocked.Increment(ref _backgroundTasks);
        _ = LogAsync(message);

    private static async Task LogAsync(string message)
        await Task.Delay(100); // Simulate an async I/O operation required for logging
        Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now:HH:mm:ss.fff} {message}");
        Interlocked.Decrement(ref _backgroundTasks);

一件合理的事情是在您的记录器中拥有内存队列(这适用于符合您的条件的其他类似功能),它是单独处理的。 然后你的日志方法就变成了这样:

private static readonly BlockingCollection<string> _queue = new BlockingCollection<string>(new ConcurrentQueue<string>());
public static void Log(string message) {

它对调用者来说非常快且无阻塞,并且在某种意义上是异步的,它在未来的某个时间完成(或失败)。 调用者不知道也不关心结果,所以这是一个即发即忘的任务。


然后在应用程序退出之前,您只需要通知队列处理器不需要更多项目,并等待它完成。 例如:

_queue.CompleteAdding(); // no more items
_processorThread.Join(); // if you used separate thread, otherwise some other synchronization construct.

编辑:如果您希望队列处理是异步的 - 您可以使用此AsyncCollection (可用作 nuget 包)。 然后你的代码变成:

class Program {
    private static Logger _logger;
    static async Task Main(string[] args) {
        _logger = new Logger();
        _logger.Log("Starting"); // fire and forget
        await Task.Delay(1000); // Simulate the main asynchronous workload
        _logger.Log("Finished"); // fire and forget
        await _logger.Stop();
        // Here any pending fire and forget operations should be awaited somehow

    private static void CleanUp() {
        _logger.Log("CleanUp started"); // fire and forget
        Thread.Sleep(200); // Simulate some synchronous operation
        _logger.Log("CleanUp completed"); // fire and forget

class Logger {
    private readonly AsyncCollection<string> _queue = new AsyncCollection<string>(new ConcurrentQueue<string>());
    private readonly Task _processorTask;
    public Logger() {
        _processorTask = Process();

    public void Log(string message) {
        // synchronous adding, you can also make it async via 
        // _queue.AddAsync(message); but I see no reason to

    public async Task Stop() {
        await _processorTask;

    private async Task Process() {
        while (true) {
            string message;
            try {
                message = await _queue.TakeAsync();
            catch (InvalidOperationException) {
                // throws this exception when collection is empty and CompleteAdding was called

            await Task.Delay(100);
            Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now:HH:mm:ss.fff} {message}");


编辑 2:这是引用计数的变体,它不对“即发即弃”任务的性质做出任何假设:

static class FireAndForgetTasks {

    // start with 1, in non-signaled state
    private static readonly CountdownEvent _signal = new CountdownEvent(1);

    public static void AsFireAndForget(this Task task) {
        // add 1 for each task
        task.ContinueWith(x => {
            if (x.Exception != null) {
                // do something, task has failed, maybe log 
            // decrement 1 for each task, it cannot reach 0 and become signaled, because initial count was 1

    public static void Wait(TimeSpan? timeout = null) {
        // signal once. Now event can reach zero and become signaled, when all pending tasks will finish
        // wait on signal
        if (timeout != null)
        // dispose the signal


static class Program {
    static async Task Main(string[] args) {
        Log("Starting").AsFireAndForget(); // fire and forget
        await Task.Delay(1000); // Simulate the main asynchronous workload
        Log("Finished").AsFireAndForget(); // fire and forget
        // Here any pending fire and forget operations should be awaited somehow

    private static void CleanUp() {
        Log("CleanUp started").AsFireAndForget(); // fire and forget
        Thread.Sleep(200); // Simulate some synchronous operation
        Log("CleanUp completed").AsFireAndForget(); // fire and forget

    private static async Task Log(string message) {
        await Task.Delay(100); // Simulate an async I/O operation required for logging
        Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now:HH:mm:ss.fff} {message}");


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