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[英]I'm making a rob command and I don't know how to make it activate the timeout when it fails or subtract the coins from the person

所以我正在研究我的不和谐机器人的经济部分,在发出抢劫命令时,它不会从被抢劫的人身上减去硬币,但它仍然会给我硬币。 我还希望它在您抢劫某人失败时激活超时,但它不会,所以有人可以帮忙吗?


const ms = require('parse-ms');

module.exports = {
    name: "rob",
    description: "Make an attempt to steal money from another user",

    async run (client, message, args) {
        let user = message.author;
        let userMention = message.mentions.users.first()
        let timeout = 7200000;
        let author = await db.fetch(`worked_${message.guild.id}_${user.id}`);
        let userBalance = await db.fetch(`money_${message.guild.id}_${getUserFromMention}`);
        let amount = Math.floor(Math.random() * 80) + 1;
        const robChance = Math.floor((Math.random() * 4) + 1);

        if(userMention === undefined) return message.channel.send('Who do you want to rob?')

        if(userMention === user) return message.channel.send('How stupid are you to rob yourself?')

        if(userBalance > amount) return message.channel.send('They are to poor for you to rob.')

        if(robChance === 0 ) return message.channel.send('The cops caught you and you couldn\'t get any money.')


        if(author !== null && timeout - (Date.now() - author) > 0){
            let time = ms(timeout - (Date.now() - author));
            return message.channel.send(`The cops are looking for you. You shouldn't try and rob somebody else for another **${time.minutes}m** and **${time.seconds}s**.`)
        } else {
            db.add(`money_${message.guild.id}_${user.id}`, amount)
            db.subtract(`money_${message.guild.id}_${getUserFromMention}`, amount)
            db.set(`robbed_${message.guild.id}_${user.id}`, Date.now())

            message.channel.send(`You robbed ${userMention} and got **${amount}** coins`)

function getUserFromMention(mention) {
    if (!mention) return;

    if (mention.startsWith('<@') && mention.endsWith('>')) {
        mention = mention.slice(2, -1);

        if (mention.startsWith('!')) {
            mention = mention.slice(1);

        return client.users.cache.get(mention);


const ms = require('parse-ms');

module.exports = {
    name: "rob",
    description: "Make an attempt to steal money from another user",

    async run (client, message, args) {
        let user = message.author;
        let userMention = message.mentions.users.first()
        let timeout = 7200000;
        let author = await db.fetch(`worked_${message.guild.id}_${user.id}`);
        let userBalance = await db.fetch(`money_${message.guild.id}_${getUserFromMention}`);
        let amount = Math.floor(Math.random() * 80) + 1;
        const robChance = Math.floor((Math.random() * 4) + 1);

        if(userMention === undefined) return message.channel.send('Who do you want to rob?')

        if(userMention === user) return message.channel.send('How stupid are you to rob yourself?')

        if(userBalance > amount) return message.channel.send('They are to poor for you to rob.')

        if(robChance === 0 ) return message.channel.send('The cops caught you and you couldn\'t get any money.')


        if(author !== null && timeout - (Date.now() - author) > 0){
            let time = ms(timeout - (Date.now() - author));
            return message.channel.send(`The cops are looking for you. You shouldn't try and rob somebody else for another **${time.minutes}m** and **${time.seconds}s**.`)
        } else {
            db.add(`money_${message.guild.id}_${user.id}`, amount)
            db.subtract(`money_${message.guild.id}_${getUserFromMention}`, amount)
            db.set(`robbed_${message.guild.id}_${user.id}`, Date.now())

            message.channel.send(`You robbed ${userMention} and got **${amount}** coins`)

function getUserFromMention(mention) {
    if (!mention) return;

    if (mention.startsWith('<@') && mention.endsWith('>')) {
        mention = mention.slice(2, -1);

        if (mention.startsWith('!')) {
            mention = mention.slice(1);

        return client.users.cache.get(mention);


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