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trait 对象如何将带有泛型方法的 trait 作为参数?

[英]How can a trait object take a trait with generic methods as an argument?

所以 trait 对象不能有带有泛型的方法——这看起来不错。 但是在这种语言中,使用抽象机制的唯一方法是通过泛型和特征对象。 这意味着对于每个特征,我必须事先决定它是否可以用作对象并在那里到处使用 dyn 而不是 impl。 并且必须以相同的方式制作其中的所有特征以支持这一点。 这种感觉非常难看。 你能提出什么建议或告诉我为什么它是这样设计的吗?

fn main() {}

// some abstracted thing
trait Required {
    fn f(&mut self, simple: i32);

// this trait doesn't know that it's going to be used by DynTrait
// it just takes Required as an argument
// nothing special
trait UsedByDyn {
    // this generic method doesn't allow this trait to be dyn itself
    // no dyn here: we don't know about DynTrait in this scope
    fn f(&mut self, another: impl Required);

// this trait needs to use UsedByDyn as a function argument
trait DynTrait {
    // since UsedByDyn uses generic methods it can't be dyn itself
    // the trait `UsedByDyn` cannot be made into an object
    //fn f(&mut self, used: Box<dyn UsedByDyn>);

    // we can't use UsedByDyn without dyn either otherwise Holder can't use us as dyn
    // the trait `DynTrait` cannot be made into an object
    // fn f(&mut self, used: impl UsedByDyn);

    // how to use UsedByDyn here?

struct Holder {
    CanBeDyn: Box<dyn DynTrait>,

这意味着对于每个特征,我必须事先决定它是否可以用作对象并在那里到处使用 dyn 而不是 impl。


你也可以像往常一样编写你的特征,在适当的地方使用泛型。 如果/当您需要 trait 对象时,定义一个您在本地使用的新的对象安全 trait,并在该位置公开您实际需要的 API 子集。


trait Serialize {
    /// Serialize self to the given IO sink
    fn serialize(&self, sink: &mut impl io::Write);

该 trait 不能用作 trait 对象,因为它(大概是为了确保最大效率)有一个通用方法。 但这并不需要阻止您的代码使用 trait 对象来访问 trait 的功能。 假设您需要向框Serialize ,以保持他们在一个载体,你会保存到一个文件中集体值:

// won't compile
struct Pool {
    objs: Vec<Box<dyn Serialize>>,

impl Pool {
    fn add(&mut self, obj: impl Serialize + 'static) {
        self.objs.push(Box::new(obj) as Box<dyn Serialize>);

    fn save(&self, file: &Path) -> io::Result<()> {
        let mut file = io::BufWriter::new(std::fs::File::create(file)?);
        for obj in self.objs.iter() {
            obj.serialize(&mut file);

上面的代码无法编译,因为Serialize不是对象安全的。 但是 - 您可以轻松定义满足Pool需求的新对象安全特性:

// object-safe trait, Pool's implementation detail
trait SerializeFile {
    fn serialize(&self, sink: &mut io::BufWriter<std::fs::File>);

// Implement `SerializeFile` for any T that implements Serialize
impl<T> SerializeFile for T
    T: Serialize,
    fn serialize(&self, sink: &mut io::BufWriter<std::fs::File>) {
        // here we can access `Serialize` because `T` is a concrete type
        Serialize::serialize(self, sink);

现在Pool几乎可以正常工作,使用dyn SerializeFile ( playground ):

struct Pool {
    objs: Vec<Box<dyn SerializeFile>>,

impl Pool {
    fn add(&mut self, obj: impl Serialize + 'static) {
        self.objs.push(Box::new(obj) as Box<dyn SerializeFile>);

    // save() defined the same as before

定义一个单独的对象安全特性似乎是不必要的工作——如果原始特性足够简单,你当然可以从一开始就让它成为对象安全的。 但是有些特征要么太笼统,要么太注重性能,以至于不能从一开始就成为对象安全的,在这种情况下,最好记住保持它们的通用性是可以的。 当您确实需要一个对象安全版本时,它通常用于具体任务,其中根据原始特征实现的自定义对象安全特征将完成这项工作。

我使用了@user4815162342 的答案,但制作了我自己的版本,不需要用具体类型替换非对象友好特性。

struct Holder {
    dyn_traits: Vec<Box<dyn DynTrait>>,

// this trait doesn't know that it's going to be used by DynTrait
// it just takes ObjectFriendly as an argument
// nothing special
trait ObjectUnfriendly {
    // this generic method doesn't allow this trait to be dyn itself
    // no dyn here: we don't know about DynTrait in this scope
    fn f(&mut self, another: &impl ObjectFriendly);
    fn f2(&mut self, another: &mut impl ObjectFriendly);
    fn f3(&mut self, another: impl ObjectFriendly);

trait ObjectFriendly {
    fn f(&mut self, simple: i32);
    fn f2(&self, simple: i32);

// this trait needs to use the trait above as a function argument
trait DynTrait {
    // since that trait uses generic methods it can't be dyn itself
    // the trait cannot be made into an object
    //fn f(&mut self, used: Box<dyn ObjectUnfriendly>);

    // we can't use that trait without dyn either otherwise Holder can't use us as dyn
    // the trait `DynTrait` cannot be made into an object
    // fn f(&mut self, used: impl ObjectUnfriendly);

    // how to use ObjectUnfriendly here?
    // we use our own extension trait that is object-friendly
    fn f(&mut self, used: dyn NowObjectFriendly);

// our own object-friendly version
trait NowObjectFriendly {
    // if arguments are ObjectFriendly - we are lucky
    fn f(&mut self, another: &dyn ObjectFriendly);
    fn f2(&mut self, another: &mut dyn ObjectFriendly);
    fn f3(&mut self, another: Box<dyn ObjectFriendly>);

    // if not - we can just accept the specific struct we need
    // fn f3(&mut self, another: SomeImpl);

    // or do the same thing by making an extension trait
    // fn f3(&mut self, another: Box<dyn ObjectFriendly2Ex>);

// delegate implementation
impl<T: ObjectUnfriendly> NowObjectFriendly for T {
    fn f(&mut self, another: &dyn ObjectFriendly) {

    fn f2(&mut self, another: &mut dyn ObjectFriendly) {
        self.f2(&mut ObjectFriendly2AsImpl(another));

    fn f3(&mut self, another: Box<dyn ObjectFriendly>) {

    // if not object friendly - we can just accept the specific struct we need
    // fn f3(&mut self, another: SomeImpl) {
    //     SomeImpl::f3(self, another);
    // }

    // or do the same thing for that trait by making another extension trait
    // fn f3(&mut self, another: Box<dyn ObjectFriendly2Ex>) {
    //     self.f3(another);
    // }

// for this delegation to work
// we need to make it convertible to impl

// can't implement foreign traits on foreign types
struct ObjectFriendly2AsImpl<T>(T);

impl ObjectFriendly for ObjectFriendly2AsImpl<&dyn ObjectFriendly> {
    fn f(&mut self, simple: i32) {

    fn f2(&self, simple: i32) {

impl ObjectFriendly for ObjectFriendly2AsImpl<&mut dyn ObjectFriendly> {
    fn f(&mut self, simple: i32) {

    fn f2(&self, simple: i32) {

impl ObjectFriendly for ObjectFriendly2AsImpl<Box<dyn ObjectFriendly>> {
    fn f(&mut self, simple: i32) {

    fn f2(&self, simple: i32) {



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