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ZCCADCDEDB567ABAE643E15DCF0974E503Z 更新一个不存在的文档

[英]Mongoose updates a document which does not exists

我有一个 function 应该根据用户的 email 更新令牌。 The thing is, the following code returns a token even if there isn't any document with the specified email in the mongoDB database and the function return the response code 200 to my server function. 当指定的电子邮件不在数据库中时,我想阻止更新文档(以及任何进一步的操作),或者我想返回一些信息(无论响应代码如何)以防止进一步的代码执行。

const vnosZetona = (req,res) =>{
    if(!req.body.ePosta ){
        return res.status(400).json({
            "sporočilo": "Epošta uporabnika manjka! Parameter je obvezen"
    if(!(new RegExp("[a-z]{2}[0-9]{4}@student.uni-lj.si").test(req.body.ePosta))){
        return res.status(400).json({
            "sporočilo": "Izgleda da nisi študent UL! Hm, "
    var generiranZeton = generirajObnovitveniZeton();
    .updateOne( {email: req.body.ePosta},
                { $set: {zetonZaObnavljanjeGesla:generiranZeton}},
                (napaka) => {
                       return res.status(400).json(napaka);
                        return res.status(200).json({
                            zeton : generiranZeton,
                            "sporočilo" : "Žeton uspešno dodan."

因此,经过一系列的试验和错误,我终于弄清楚了真正的问题所在。 当我直接向 mongoDB shell 发出查询(其中 email 不在任何文档中)时,我得到以下响应:
{ "acknowledged": true, "matchedCount": 0, "modifiedCount": 0 }
结果清楚地表明没有任何更新(modifiedCount 为 0),但查询仍在执行而没有任何错误,因此我必须“收集”该文本,然后根据“modifiedCount”值继续执行。

const vnosZetona = (req,res) =>{
     //check for errors and other stuff
    var generiranZeton = generirajObnovitveniZeton(); //generate random token
    .updateOne( {email: req.body.ePosta},
                { $set: {zetonZaObnavljanjeGesla:generiranZeton}},
                (napaka, sporociloQueryja) => {
                       return res.status(400).json(napaka);
                        return res.status(200).json({
                            zeton : generiranZeton,
                            status: JSON.stringify(sporociloQueryja),
                            //the field "status" returns the result mentioned above 
                            //although slightly different than  in the mongoDB shell:
                            "sporočilo" : "Žeton uspešno dodan."

//The following code calls the API above when we complete the form on the page and hit submit
const posljiZahtevoZaObnovoGesla = async (req,res,next) =>{
    //check for a valid email address 
        let odgovor = await axios.put(apiParametri.streznik + "/api/uporabniki/vnosZetona",{
            ePosta : req.body.ePosta

        if(odgovor.status == 200){
            //If the query had no errors,regardless if anything was updated
            // we read the data that was returned from the API -> 
            // with a nonexistent mail, the  "odgovor.data.status" equals "{"n":0,"nModified":0,"ok":1}"
            var o = JSON.parse(odgovor.data.status);
            if(o.nModified == 0){
                //nothing was modified, the no document with the specified email exists
                // the user gets redirected to registration form
                return res.redirect("/registracija");
            //the code sends the instructions to the specified mail that exists in database
            //using nodemailer and redirects to user sign in
        else if (odgovor.status >= 400){
                {"sporocilo": "Nekaj si zafrknil! Rollbackaj na začetno stanje!"}


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