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containerd 中 docker 卷的等价物是多少?

[英]What is the equivalent of docker volumes in containerd?

在 Docker 中,我们可以通过卷配置持久存储。 在 Docker cli 中,我们使用“docker volume”:

$ docker volume --help

Usage:  docker volume COMMAND

Manage volumes

  create      Create a volume
  inspect     Display detailed information on one or more volumes
  ls          List volumes
  prune       Remove all unused local volumes
  rm          Remove one or more volumes

Run 'docker volume COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.

看起来 containerd cli (ctr) 没有等效项。 他们确实有内容:

$ ctr content --help
   ctr content - manage content

   ctr content command [command options] [arguments...]

   active                   display active transfers
   delete, del, remove, rm  permanently delete one or more blobs
   edit                     edit a blob and return a new digest
   fetch                    fetch all content for an image into containerd
   fetch-object             retrieve objects from a remote
   get                      get the data for an object
   ingest                   accept content into the store
   list, ls                 list all blobs in the store
   push-object              push an object to a remote
   label                    add labels to content

   --help, -h  show help


$ ctr snapshot --help
   ctr snapshots - manage snapshots

   ctr snapshots command [command options] [arguments...]

   commit            commit an active snapshot into the provided name
   diff              get the diff of two snapshots. the default second snapshot is the first snapshot's parent.
   info              get info about a snapshot
   list, ls          list snapshots
   mounts, m, mount  mount gets mount commands for the snapshots
   prepare           prepare a snapshot from a committed snapshot
   remove, rm        remove snapshots
   label             add labels to content
   tree              display tree view of snapshot branches
   unpack            unpack applies layers from a manifest to a snapshot
   usage             usage snapshots
   view              create a read-only snapshot from a committed snapshot

   --snapshotter value  snapshotter name. Empty value stands for the default value. [$CONTAINERD_SNAPSHOTTER]
   --help, -h           show help

哪个是等价的? 我应该如何解释 ctr cli 输出的结果?

来自: https://containerd.io/scope/

containerd 被设计为嵌入到更大的系统中,因此它只包含一个专门用于开发和调试目的的准系统 CLI (ctr),没有要求人性化,也不能保证界面随时间的稳定性。



在使用 docker 运行容器时指定配置选项(例如卷挂载、memory 限制或 uid:gid 映射)就像为 Z05B6053C41A2130AFD6FC3B158BDA4E6 命令指定命令行选项一样简单。 在使用 runc 时,这些配置将作为文件传递给 runc。 此配置文件,即运行时规范,是由开放容器倡议 (OCI) 制定的配置标准,用于指定容器的选项,并由 runc[2] 使用。 简而言之,运行时规范是一个名为 config.json 的 JSON 文件,其中包含与特定容器相关的配置。


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