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Postgres SQL 查询嵌套子查询耗时过长

[英]Postgres SQL Query With Nested Sub-Query Taking Too Long


订购日期 订单编号 客户ID 产品 价格 总金额
2018 年 2 月 30 日 在线56134 492512952 125582 50 50
20/05/2020 离线 14452 291312855 125582 50 82
20/05/2020 离线 14452 291312855 291824 32 82
15/07/2015 离线 29528 192501431 693012 71 71
2017 年 9 月 1 日 离线 53422 291367825 捐款 10 20
2017 年 9 月 1 日 离线 53422 291367825 214257 10 20
2016 年 11 月 16 日 在线63642 NULL 639102 53 53
2017 年 11 月 1 日 在线96458 891367243 船运 10 10

我想找出过去三年内进行过交易且从未进行过线下交易的所有客户的平均年支出。 我有一个对所有客户都运行得足够快的查询:

       (SELECT SUM(CAST(total_amount AS NUMERIC)) FROM (SELECT DISTINCT orderid, total_amount, orderdate 
        FROM sales WHERE orderdate > (NOW() - INTERVAL '12 month') AND customerid IS NOT NULL AND product 
        NOT LIKE 'SHIP%' AND product NOT LIKE 'Ship%' AND product != 'DONATION' AND product != 'Donation' 
        AND customerid NOT LIKE '111222333%') AS "Total Sales - Returns"
       (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT customerid) FROM sales WHERE orderdate BETWEEN (NOW() - INTERVAL '3 years') 
        AND NOW() AND product NOT LIKE 'SHIP%' AND product NOT LIKE 'Ship%' AND product != 'DONATION' AND 
        product != 'Donation' AND customerid NOT LIKE '111222333%'


       (SELECT SUM(CAST(total_amount AS NUMERIC)) FROM (SELECT DISTINCT orderid, total_amount, orderdate 
        FROM sales WHERE orderdate > (NOW() - INTERVAL '12 month') AND customerid IS NOT NULL AND product 
        NOT LIKE 'SHIP%' AND product NOT LIKE 'Ship%' AND product != 'DONATION' AND product != 'Donation' 
        AND customerid NOT LIKE '111222333%' AND customerid NOT IN (SELECT customerid FROM sales WHERE 
        orderid NOT LIKE 'online%')) AS "Total Sales - Returns"
       (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT customerid) FROM sales WHERE orderdate BETWEEN (NOW() - INTERVAL '3 years') 
        AND NOW() AND product NOT LIKE 'SHIP%' AND product NOT LIKE 'Ship%' AND product != 'DONATION' AND 
        product != 'Donation' AND customerid NOT LIKE '111222333%' AND customerid NOT IN (SELECT 
        customerid FROM sales WHERE orderid NOT LIKE 'online%')

总的来说,我有很多类似的查询(例如平均交易数量、交易间隔时间、首次购买日期等)。 因此,我需要对仅在线客户应用类似的逻辑来处理许多查询,我还需要排除仅在线客户。 实际上,有三组查询,一组用于所有查询,一组用于仅在线查询,另一组不包括仅在线查询。


如果我没听错的话,您可以通过以下查询获得仅具有在线销售的客户过去 3 年的平均年增长率:

select customerid, sum(total_amount) / 3 as avg_year_amount
from sale
where orderdate > current_date - interval '3 year'
group by customerid
having bool_and(orderid like 'online%')


select avg(avg_year_amount) as grand_avg
from (
    select customerid, sum(total_amount) / 3 as avg_year_amount
    from sale
    where orderdate > current_date - interval '3 year'
    group by customerid
    having bool_and(orderid like 'online%')
) t

您的查询在问题中未描述的where子句中有其他过滤器。 您可以根据需要将它们添加到子查询的where子句中。


我觉得这个解释并不完全清楚。 让我假设你想要:

  • 在过去三年内进行过任何交易的任何客户。
  • 三年的总支出除以 3。
  • 一直在线,在三年及之前。

注意:2.5 年前恰好有一笔 300 笔交易的客户将计为每年 100 笔(如果包括在内)。


select sum(total_amount) / (3 * count(*)) as yearly_average
from (select s.*,
             bool_and(orderid like 'online%') over (partition by customerid) as always_online
      from sales s
     ) s
where always_online and
      orderdate > current_date - interval '3 year';


(SELECT customerid FROM sales WHERE orderid NOT LIKE 'online%')

对每一行重复评估,每次都返回相同的结果,浪费了很多时间。 如果子查询首先放入临时表中

WITH offcus (id) AS (
  SELECT customerid FROM sales
         WHERE orderid NOT LIKE 'online%')
SELECT ... AND customerid NOT IN (SELET id FROM offcustomer) ...

您的查询可能与您的“足够快”查询一样快,尽管我自己没有测试过。 EXPALIN 命令值得一试,因为它清楚地显示了查询是如何执行的。


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