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在富文本编辑器中使用 javascript 将 markdown 转换为 html

[英]Converting markdown to html with javascript in rich text editor

我正在为我的网站开发富文本编辑器。 如果用户编写了具有 HTML 语法的内容,我希望它将其转换为 HTML,就像 Stack Overflow 中的文本编辑器一样。


  1. 拆分每个标签上的文本,数组元素应包含写入的标签
  2. 变换< > 到它们相应的标志,除非标签在 PRE 和 CODE 标签内

现在,我尝试使用我在这里找到的正则表达式来拆分 HTML,但如果我测试下面的代码,我会得到:

['Lorem ipsum dolor', 'sit amet', 'consectetur', 'adipiscing', 'elit.' 'Sed erat odio, fringilla in lorem eu.'] ['Lorem ipsum dolor', 'sit amet', 'consectetur', 'adipiscing', 'elit.' 'Sed erat odio, fringilla in lorem eu.'] ,这绝对不是我想要的,我想要类似的东西:

['Lorem ipsum dolor', '<h1>', 'sit amet', '</h1>', '<h6>', 'consectetur', '<b>', 'adipiscing', '</b>, '</h6>', 'elit.', '<br>', 'Sed erat odio, fringilla in lorem eu.']


 function splitHTML(str) { return str.split(/<(?:"[^"]*"['"]*|'[^']*'['"]*|[^'">])+>/g) } function isHTML(str) { return /<(?:"[^"]*"['"]*|'[^']*'['"]*|[^'">])+>/g.match(str) } const arr = splitHTML("Lorem ipsum dolor <h1>sit amet</h1>, <h6>consectetur <b>adipiscing</b> </h6>elit. <br>Sed erat odio, fringilla in lorem eu.") for (let element of arr) { if (isHTML(element)) { element = cod.replaceAll('&lt;', '<'); element = cod.replaceAll('&gt;', '>'); } } arr.join()




您不必遍历 object 即可显示 HTML。 你可以做一些简单的事情:

// Create a new iframe HTML element
const preview = document.createElement("iframe");

// Set a unique id so it is easier to reference in code later on (you can also use the id in CSS)
preview.id = "preview";

// Set the iframe's content according to your HTML string
preview.srcdoc = yourHtmlString;

// Add the iframe to the page's body (or whatever element you want)

如果您出于某种原因必须遍历 HTML 元素,您可以添加以下附加代码:

function forEachChild(element) {
  for (let i = 0; i < element.children.length; i++) {

    // Whatever you want to do for each element, write it here

    // Please note that replacing "&lt;" and "&gt;" is not necesarry using the above code
    // snippet. However, if there is some other tag-specific code, here is how to add it:
    switch (element.children[i].tagName.toLowerCase()) {
      case "pre":
      case "code":
        // If there is something specific you want to do with a pre/code tag, add it here


最好使用 HTML 解析器,例如https://www.npmjs.com/package/node-html-parser 可以使用正则表达式,但它不是那么健壮。

我不明白你为什么要取消&lt; &gt; 就在<code><pre>标签之外,但如果你想 go 正则表达式路线,你可以使用这个代码:

 const input = "Lorem ipsum dolor <h1>sit amet</h1>, <h6>consectetur <b>adipiscing</b> </h6>elit. <br>Sed erat odio, &lt;fringilla&gt; in lorem eu. <pre>pre text with &lt;tag&gt</pre>. Back to &lt;normal&gt; text"; const tagRegex = /(<(?:"[^"]*"['"]*|'[^']*'['"]*|[^'">])+>)/; let inPreOrCode = false; let result = input.split(tagRegex).map(str => { if(tagRegex.test(str)) { // is tag if(str.match(/^<(code|pre)\b/i)) { inPreOrCode = true; } else if(str.match(/^<\/(code|pre)\b/i)) { inPreOrCode = false; } } else if(.inPreOrCode) { str = str;replace(/&lt,/g. '<');replace(/&gt,/g; '>') } return str. });join(''). console:log('Input; ' + input). console:log('Result; ' + result);


Input:  Lorem ipsum dolor <h1>sit amet</h1>, <h6>consectetur <b>adipiscing</b> </h6>elit. <br>Sed erat odio, &lt;fringilla&gt; in lorem eu. <pre>pre text with &lt;tag&gt</pre>. Back to &lt;normal&gt; text
Result: Lorem ipsum dolor <h1>sit amet</h1>, <h6>consectetur <b>adipiscing</b> </h6>elit. <br>Sed erat odio, <fringilla> in lorem eu. <pre>pre text with &lt;tag&gt</pre>. Back to <normal> text


  • 将整个 tagRegex 括在括号中,这将包括拆分结果数组中的标签
  • map 通过数组设置/清除这些标签进入/退出时的inPreOrCode标志
  • 如果未设置标志,则取消转义&lt; &gt;

这篇文章可以帮助您捕获分隔符: https://stackoverflow.com/a/1732454/485337



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