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直接从 main 访问链表节点

[英]Acces Linked Lists Nodes directly from main


public class SinglyLinkedList { 
//---------------- nested Node class ----------------
  private static class Node { 
    private String element; // reference to the element stored at this node
    private Node next; // reference to the subsequent node in the list
    public Node(String e, Node n) {
      element = e;
      next = n;} 
  public String getElement( ) { return element; } 
  public Node getNext( ) { return next; } 
  public void setNext(Node n) { next = n; }
// instance variables of the SinglyLinkedList
private Node head = null; // head node of the list (or null if empty)
private Node tail = null; // last node of the list (or null if empty)
private int size = 0; // number of nodes in the list

public SinglyLinkedList( ) { } // constructs an initially empty list

// access methods
public int size( ) { return size; } 

public boolean isEmpty( ) { return size == 0; }

public String first( ) { 
  // returns (but does not remove) the first element
  if (isEmpty( )) return null;
  return head.getElement( );

public String last( ) { 
  // returns (but does not remove) the last element
  if (isEmpty( )) return null;
  return tail.getElement( );
 // update methods
public void addFirst(String e) { 
  // adds element e to the front of the list
  head = new Node(e, head); // create and link a new node
  if (size == 0)
  tail = head; // special case: new node becomes tail also

public void addLast(String e) { 
  // adds element e to the end of the list
Node newest = new Node(e, null); // node will eventually be the tail
if (isEmpty( ))
  head = newest; // special case: previously empty list
  tail.setNext(newest); // new node after existing tail
  tail = newest; // new node becomes the tail




class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    System.out.println("Hello world!");
    SinglyLinkedList Liste1 = new SinglyLinkedList();
    //Bam  funktioniert
    Liste1.addFirst("Hello world!");



Cursor C1 = new addCursor(3); 

这个 C1 Cursor 指向列表元素 nr。 3

Cursor C2 = new addCursor(5);

此 C2 Cursor 指向列表元素 nr.5(如果存在)

我想在 main.js 中使用游标。 所以 function addCursor 将位于 SinglyLinkedList class 但它会将游标返回到节点。

所以 Curser 就像一只坐在节点上的螃蟹。



首先,您可以创建 Cursor class:

public class Cursor {
    private SinglyLinkedList.Node cursor;

    Cursor(SinglyLinkedList.Node cursor){
        this.cursor = cursor;

    public SinglyLinkedList.Node getCursor(){
        return cursor;


Cursor addCursor(int value){
    int count = 0;
    Node tmp = head;
    while(tmp != null){
        if(count == value)
            return new Cursor(head);
        tmp = tmp.next;
    return null;

此方法将在链表中搜索并返回 position 中的元素等于值。


public static void main(String[] args) {
    System.out.println("Hello world!");
    SinglyLinkedList Liste1 = new SinglyLinkedList();
    //Bam  funktioniert
    Liste1.addFirst("Hello world!");
    Cursor C1 = Liste1.addCursor(3);


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