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运行 TF 导入时出现错误 AWS Terraform VPC 对等互连

[英]Error AWS Terraform VPC Peering while running TF Import

我在 2 个 AWS 账户之间创建了一个 VPC 对等互连。 账户 A 的一个 VPC 位于 us-east-1 中,账户 B 的第二个 VPC 位于 us-west-2 中。

  • 对等连接处于活动状态并且工作正常!

  • 我现在需要将它添加到我的 terraform 代码中,用于两个账户 terraform 代码。

  • 我现在首先将它添加到帐户 B 中:这是我迄今为止所做的:

# VPC peering connection #
# (3)                    #

resource "aws_vpc_peering_connection" "this_3" {
  count         = var.create_peering_3 ? 1 : 0
  peer_owner_id = var.peer_account_id_3
  peer_vpc_id   = var.vpc_peer_id_3
  vpc_id        = module.vpc-us-west-2.vpc_id
  auto_accept   = var.auto_accept_peering_3


# VPC peering connection #
# (3)         #

variable "peer_account_id_3" {
  description = "AWS owner account ID"
  default     = "**account*A**"

variable "vpc_peer_id_3" {
  description = "Peer VPC ID"
  default     = "vpc-029***"

variable "peer_cidr_block_3" {
  description = "Peer VPC CIDR block"
  default     = ""

variable "auto_accept_peering_3" {
  description = "Auto accept peering connection"
  default     = true

variable "create_peering_3" {
  description = "Create peering connection, 0 to not create"
  default     = true
  type        = bool

variable "this_vpc_id_3" {
  description = "This VPC ID"
  default     = "vpc-0e2**"

variable "private_route_table_ids_3" {
  type        = list(string)
  description = "A list of private route tables"
  default     = ["rtb-0**, rtb-04**"]

variable "public_route_table_ids_3" {
  type        = list(string)
  description = "A list of public route tables"
  default     = ["rtb-0f**"]

variable "peering_id_3" {
  description = "Provide already existing peering connection id"
  default     = "pcx-0878***"

现在,当我运行 tf plan 时,它正在创建它..我不希望它这样做,因为它已经制作好了!

  • 我希望看到我的计划没有任何变化!

  • 我也尝试过使用 tf import 命令:

terraform import aws_vpc_peering_connection.this_3 pcx-0878******


Error: Cannot import non-existent remote object

While attempting to import an existing object to
aws_vpc_peering_connection.this_3, the provider detected that no object exists
with the given id. Only pre-existing objects can be imported; check that the
id is correct and that it is associated with the provider's configured region
or endpoint, or use "terraform apply" to create a new remote object for this
  • 我不知道如何解决这个问题

确认您是否使用来自账户 B 的正确凭据。

provider "aws" {
  alias      = "account_b"
  region     = "us-west-2"
  access_key = "my-access-key"
  secret_key = "my-secret-key"

resource "aws_vpc_peering_connection" "this_3" {
  provider      = "aws.account_b"
  count         = var.create_peering_3 ? 1 : 0
  peer_owner_id = var.peer_account_id_3
  peer_vpc_id   = var.vpc_peer_id_3
  vpc_id        = module.vpc-us-west-2.vpc_id
  auto_accept   = var.auto_accept_peering_3



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